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Music Festival Sponsorship: Will Amdor and Diktak still be best friends?  - Politics

Music Festival Sponsorship: Will Amdor and Diktak still be best friends? – Politics

Philip Amdor is again said to be engaged in a very active campaign work. After learning several months ago that the CDU best candidate from Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania was launching Augustus’ intelligence in Berlin, he may now have been the target of a campaign: the news magazine “Der Spiegel” writes about links to the video portal Dictoc. Last fall, the group donated to the Eusedom Music Festival in the Amdor constituency – and he promised to donate to the Jung Union (JU), which is the federal treasurer.

According to “Spiegel”, Dictag is currently trying to improve its reputation in Germany. Thus, there is a list of dozens of politicians who have expressed themselves critically about Dictak. It also has Amthar’s name on it.

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The company’s new chief campaigner, Gunnar Bender, has joined various MPs, including Amdor. Later, according to “Spiegel”, a donation was made to the Euclid Music Festival. 2500 euros were sent to the event in the Amdor constituency last fall. Amdor told Spiegel that the “financial proposal” came from him.

However, according to a media report, Dictak was also surprised by the donation: the “public policy” department had never previously paid an employee a comparable fee for a concert.

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After a while, the “Jung Union” should really have support: Candidates for the post of CDU chairman of the Jiu Stand will have to cover the technical costs of dictating live streaming – but not in the financial transaction shown. “Spiegel” said that the bill should be sent through Miller & Meyer Consulting, the Berlin agency of dictatorship. No cash flow was found among those involved.

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But the transaction did not happen. In fact, according to “Spiegel”, Miller & Meyer did not want to participate. Instead, an outside law firm was called in for a legal review – and could not pay.

Leading campaigner Bender later wrote in an email: “We do not want to turn hidden party advertising into a crime.”

Amdor defends himself. “Money has never flowed. It was financing, that is, money instead,” Amdor told Texbach.

Amdor justified himself as “Spiegel”: “Details at the Jung Union’s employee level were processed without my involvement”. Also: He was unaware of the specific offer for Dictak and the corresponding letters from the sponsoring officer at that time. (Tablespoons)

Note: Unfortunately, there were a number of factual errors in the previous version of this article. These have been adjusted accordingly.