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Mountains of Power Event in Pokémon GO intend Nintendo Connect

Mountains of Power Event in Pokémon GO intend Nintendo Connect

At Power Event Mountains We are bringing Pokemon GO The ball is rolling! The “Power Mountains” event will take place on Friday, January 7, 2022, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. (local time) until Thursday, January 13, 2022. Pokemon GO instead.

Pokemon GO
Pokemon GO

Pokemon GO
Pokemon GO

During the current season, the mountainous regions of Johor and Chinno are remembered, so the Kondo and Hon Pokemon appear mainly in the wild. Walking to Barry Hearts is only half way done, and one can complete a tentative research during an event that makes many Pokemon encounters possible.

Wild Pokemon

Includes Pokemon that appear in the wild Toothed, Small stone, Macholo, Snail Mac, Nasknet And Sash, Thus rarely Onyx And actors Can appear.

Raid wars

In regular raid battles you can Alola-Kleinstein, Onyx, Dunhel, Bronze, Ursering, Danban, Medialis And Absol Level 5 will be displayed during battles Heatron Available. Can also be the first time in mega raids Mega-aerodactyl Will be fought during this event Mega energy for aerodynamics In order to collect.

In order to complete the field survey tasks Meets Kleinstein, Snail Mac And Flangifer Possibility. If you’re lucky, you might encounter the glittering pattern of this Pokemon!