Feeling we have ‘Run out of gas’ emotionally? For any Pokemon fan interested in configurable toys and figures, Kawada is about to launch a new line of nanoblock products that are compatible with many generations of ownership. The most notable addition to their new collections includes a large pose Reikavasa. Check out all of their new products hitting store shelves this month in Japan!
Like the glorious creature of the heavens, the Reykjavk The nanoblock set comes at a very high price of 11,000¥ (About $ 105.15). The building is 66 centimeters long and has points of exposure within its body, mouth and arms.
In the meantime, Yumber and Greeninza Retail for 1430¥ And 1210¥ (About 67 13.67 and $ 11.57) backwards. Including the small set above EV, Swablu, Manchlocks, Sato, Beaver and Boricone Going to 660¥ (About 31 6.31) each. One box retails for 3960 including six mini nano block sets(About $ 37.85). Although none of these packages have been announced for overseas release yet, be sure to keep an eye on the nanoblock Website Let everyone know if they do.

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