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Bandai Namco allowed to create new Pokemon Snap due to Pokemon Deccan • Nintendo merger

More info about the new Pokemon Snap update Nintendo Connect

A free update will add new parts and Pokemon tomorrow New Pokemon Snap Add (we reported). Before the new update comes out tomorrow, it will add three new parts to the game, and some changes have been announced (via செரிபி)

  • After finishing a section, if you want to redo it through another research stage, you can now directly select the size without leaving that section entirely.
  • You have the option to go straight to camp without evaluating your photos.
  • If you complete a task on one of your photos, the professor will mark it accordingly before evaluating the photos.
  • You are allowed to save images directly to your Nintendo Switch system using the photo editing option.

That New Pokemon Snap-The update will go live on August 4 at 3:00 AM (CEST). It includes three new areas and 20 additional Pokemon.

  • Hidden Path (Day / Night) – Along this path, Neo-One shrinks a little, which is why Pokemon appear to be huge there. Here, players can even hear Pokemon breathing and moving, and discover new behaviors from familiar Pokemon.
  • Big River (Day / Night) – The Great River provides nutritious water throughout the island of Bellas. Players will do their research on the river, so try to keep the camera steady, noting that they are faster when hunting Pokemon.
  • Dry barren land (day / night) – In this area, soldiers explore the barren land of the Volga Island affected by the dry desert winds. It is characterized by various features ranging from swamps to geysers emitting toxic gases. Pokemon can hide underground or between rocks, so players need to keep an eye out when exploring.
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Numerous Pokemon were discovered in these three new areas. Players will have the opportunity to meet the famous Pokமொmon from the lentil area, but can also meet 20 other Pokமொmon that have not been seen before. 9 Video analysis of new areas including the new Pokemon can be seen here.