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Miles Morales is the most downloaded PS5 game in November

Miles Morales is the most downloaded PS5 game in November

For many gamers around the world, November was a bright spot in a depressing year full of relentless disappointment and health worries. The PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X both made fantastic first impressions – although it was almost impossible to find those who had not previously ordered them – and there was no shortage of extraordinary experiences throughout the first month of their life cycles.

In fact, it’s always games – not consoles – that make the biggest splashes in the next gen release year, and 2020 is no different in this regard. In particular, the release line of the PlayStation 5 includes a solid set of first-party specs such as the exception Souls of monsters Remake, beautiful operating system Chakbai: A great achievement, And a sequel to one of PlayStation 4’s most beloved games – Spider-Man: Miles Morals.

However, it is very surprising Spider-Man: Miles Morals Created an even bigger landing than expected – in at least one region. The game ranked # 1 on the PlayStation Store’s US / Canada chart, surpassing Activation. Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, Many would have expected this to be the biggest game of the year in terms of sales. But of course, it is worth noting that there is something new in the EU table Call of duty More topics than Insomniax’s web-sling follow-up.

In the United States, November is the third major topic Souls of monsters, Continued Killer Belief: Valhalla And NBA 2K21 In fourth and fifth place, respectively. So whichever way you spin it, the first month of the PS5 launch provided a hell of a set of new high-end titles covering a wide variety of genres, and in that sense, gamers are the real winners.

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Spider-Man: Miles Morals Available now for both PS4 and PS5. Check out what our reviewer had to say about the highly anticipated sequel.