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Meta opens its doors to the public for the first bits of its metawares

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Facebook’s parent company, Meta, promises to be phased out Metawares With various applications and extensions. On Thursday, the company opened its North American public access to Horizon Worlds, its free site for virtual reality (VR) video games. The latter also integrates the system for creating games and virtual worlds.

Horizon Worlds, the first born on the Meta Metawares project, is particularly popular The introductory video was released in October, Is already finding followers. Interested or interested users, youtubers and gamers, have already embarked on the adventure. If the trial version has the operating system since last year, it is only for a limited number of users.

As far as we know, Horizon Worlds is far from the ultimate high-speed metaware we’ve finally promised, especially as it shows some test videos popping up here and there on the internet. However, users of Meta’s VR headsets (Oculus Quest or Oculus Quest 2) located in the United States and Canada can now now gather together with friends or strangers to play games and create their own virtual worlds.

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Equipped with the Oculus Quest 2 VR device, youtuber OtterWorldly plays a zombie mini-game integrated with Horizon Worlds. © ஒட்டர்உலகம் (Web light)

According to Meta, Horizon Worlds users have created thousands of worlds in use since the beta was launched last year. The company hopes to attract a greater number of users today, and the goal seems to be strategic: to use their construction work somehow and start enriching this first metawares for free.

Towards Metavers in complete protection?

It was only in October that Facebook renamed its parent company Meta. It certainly underscores its ambition to move from a “simple” social media platform to a universe built on virtual reality and has been improved for a long time (the metawars it promises us), but it also protects the parent company. This technology is all about the aftermath of corruption created by Facebook, especially regarding the confidentiality and security of user data.

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In fact, meta’s sites such as Facebook and Instagram (and to a lesser extent WhatsApp) have now been fighting for years to put the real “data crisis” behind them.

However, the latest scandal was sparked in September 2021 by leaked internal investigations by journalists and US officials. Whistleblower by Frances Hougan. Hagen specifically pointed out the function of the algorithm used to organize the Facebook news feed.

A bright future for meta?

We want Horizon Worlds to be a safe and respectful environment, so everyone should follow our policy of driving on VR. Meta said while announcing the launch of Horizon Worlds. ” You have many security options […] You can pause, then block, disable or flag people “, He added. In particularly careful input, it will crush the experience …

Shortly after Facebook launched its virtual reality site for work, it was renamed Horizon Workrooms (integrated with its professional workplace solution). Workspaces enable remote collaboration, including VR conferences in avatar format, for individuals using Oculus virtual reality equipment. If necessary, it is definitely possible to switch to a standard online conference.

As Meta announces its ambitious Metawares project, the company with the infinity of logo is ready to show its first bits without much fear of the risk of public disappointment. This suggests one thing: he has been working hard on the project for many years, and seems to have announced the meta change just before the first final version of Horizon Worlds was ready to launch.

Oculus Horizon Worlds Presentation Video:

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