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Live: Did NASA's Mars helicopter fly today?

Live: Did NASA’s Mars helicopter fly today?

The plane was the first 1.8-kilogram aircraft in the rover Diligence Landed on Mars scheduled for April 8th. The date was postponed to April 11 and then again to April 14. Was Software issueThey are resolved today so that nothing stops in the way of the test aircraft. The first exercise for ingenuity should be a steady flight for 30 seconds at an altitude of three meters. After that, more and more long flights are planned. After 30 days on Mars, the mission is complete and the ingenuity should always remain on Mars.

The conference, which took place today after the flight, will be attended by all the staff in charge from NASA and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory created by Intelligence.

Thomas Surbuchen, NASA Science Director
Michael Watkins, JBL-Director
Mimi Ang, ProjectManager’s Ingenuity Helicopter Bee JBL
Bob Balaram, Chief Engineer Illustration Helicopter at JBL
Howard Griff, Chief Pilot Ingenious Mars Helicopter at JBL
Justin McGee, diligent Mars Rover imaging scientist and assistant lead investigator at Mastcom-Z instrument at JBL

During the livestream and conference, the public can ask questions using #MarsHelicopter Social media Put it on.