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Pokémon Unite Reptincel Pikachu Amphinobi

Leak in Pokemon on the next upcoming Pokemon unit

Pokemon Unite Switch received its first update after its official release, Datamineers looked at game files. Their research shows many new Pokமொmon that could come into play.

Widely avoided during its announcement at the beginning of the year, Pokemon Unite found its place among Pokemon fans. Although Sometimes the economic model in question, MOBA created by Timmy Studios has successfully entered the most closed court of MOBAs and provided an entertaining experience with good competitive platforms, two of the most important ingredients for a game of this genre.

Another positive point for this Pokemon unit is the presence of more than twenty Pokemon to control and all the different games, enough to satisfy all players, or almost. To be at the forefront of the platform as much as possible and ready for the arrival of the mobile version next September, the developers already plan to include the content and amaze the players.

While the game has been welcoming the most popular cardiover to its list since this morning, some clever people have been spreading rumors through game files to try to figure out the surprises to come. An attempt has been successfully crowned since these datamines created a successful fishing in recent days, we will show you here.

Once Pokemon is discovered, whether you want to play or want to take the place of the wild Pokemon on the maps, this should satisfy those who are already tired of the “champions”.

Often, this information works Eclipse_DPokemon is a recognized liqueur in the universe and has a lot to share with us. Note that nothing has been officially announced yet, so we should take all of these with minimal backlash and big tweezers.

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New Pokemon coming to Pokemon Unit

Prior to the release of this update, several Pokemon were already found in game files (Ver. Among them, the role of Pokemon has not yet been clearly identified. They can be wild Pokemon, scraps as a result of previous experiments during play or development.

Pokemon with uncertain character:

  • Nitoking
  • Mimitos
  • Taros
  • Codex
  • Word
  • Static
  • Micowold
  • Zoom in
  • In advance
  • Bear toy
  • Cucumber
  • Article
  • Jirachi
  • Success
  • Gernias

In parallel, the three Pokemon on the other hand have all the attributes to become the next playable characters of Pokemon Unite, Luporia, Nimbali and Rongriko. The eclipse also adds that Aeromite, already a wild Pokemon, sees its previous line Mimitos coming in. In this case, Levonard and Evoli also say who Lupori and Nymphaeus are. These two Pokmon have already been tested and we look forward to learning more about Rangourmond. On the other hand, like Lucario and Riolu, there is no sign of distraction.

Dartank, Lupori, Nymphali and Rongormond attacks

In one New tweet This Thursday 29th July, we are now learning what the future capabilities of Dortank, Lubori, Nimbali and Rongurmond are.

The latter, at your discretion, is expected to be stolen according to a vow that can be Canon Sand or Ciroballe on one side and Kart-à-Jose or Cognopiton.

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According to Nimbali, the evolution of the EV Fairy type begins with meteorites, then shock or megaphone and gravity then turns into vampires or fairy winds.

Krrish Face can then be upgraded to Pom’Ek or Kick. His other talent is Vipra Healing followed by E-Shell or Healing Glass.

Finally, Tortank, which we have already seen many times, especially in the presentation videos of the game, should not take too long to come. The first-generation opener will thus join Pistollet à O and Coud’Krâne with Bulbazar and Charmonder. The first can be converted to hydroconan or zigzag. Second, players will have the option between surf or quick tour.

Assemble Pokemon bosses

Although 5v5 game mode is very popular, there are different maps and game modes to add different genres to your games. These maps include many bosses in addition to the classic Motisma, Torkmort and Elector. If the latter is the source of many topics on Reddit, players will no doubt be happy to find a little more in-depth figures of these bosses who can more or less change the course of the game.

Here is what we know about them:

Pokemon HP Attack Special attack Security Special protection Speed
Elector 6610 162 / 250 250 /
Torgamord 4290 185 / 250 250 2300
Modism 4290 185 / 250 250 3000
Regikas 8640 232 / 250 250 /
By Sura 8640 232 / 250 250 3000
Tornbull 4130 122 / 250 250 4000
Elector (4V4) 5000 200 100 300 300 /

As we can see, the elector in 4v4 is the only boss with a special attack statistic, which, as the eclipse points out, will soon be terrifying.

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Anyway, this information is welcome to help you better understand what awaits players in the coming weeks and months. Many coaches have already called for balancing some characters (hello) Zerora) And game dynamics such as experience provided in the Central Zone Bonus given by the Elector, Pokemon Unite is enjoying a great success, which we hope will be confirmed with the next reps.