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Kenny rejects the Federal Govt warning application and praises the provincial version

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Running on the front of an unlocked device, the app only works on Apple devices, and the app got off to a great start, dealing with concerns about both privacy and functionality.

Kenny said those issues were resolved in the September update, which is fully operational on all platforms.

NDP leader Rachel Nodley has criticized the Kenyan government for rejecting a plan to sign with federal application.

“This is a decision, the Prime Minister will take place, will take place in August. We have not heard anything other than the first excuses from today,” Nodley said on Friday.

The news comes a day after Dr. Deena Hinsha, chief medical officer of Alberta Health, announced that the state’s contact tracking system could not sustain the rate of new COVID – 19 cases.

Alberta Health Services now only announces contacts of confirmed infections when it affects schools, follow-up care centers or hospitals, while Alberts are expected to announce their close contacts otherwise. This change is expected to continue until more trackers are hired and trained.

Kenny said AHS currently has 800 full- and part-time communication monitoring staff. He said the province plans to hire an additional 380 staff “as soon as possible.”

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