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Gamasutra - Press Releases - The biggest cooking show ever held at Nintendo Switch, the Instant Chef Party will be held on October 27, 2020!

Kamasutra – News Releases – Download to make a difference

[This unedited press release is made available courtesy of Gamasutra and its partnership with notable game PR-related resource GamesPress.]

At King Crow Studios we are pleased to announce our new game HIV SLAYER Steam for VR headsets is now available at Ich.Yo. Hive Slayer mixes classic quarterly machine arcade gameplay with the power of VR to turn you into the deadliest defender of the galaxy.

As a special offer, we offer Hive Slayer 100% free, But we ask that you donate whatever you want to the Community Foundation for Southwest Louisiana Hurricane Relief and Rescue Fund. Hive Slayer Can be done through donations and downloads Hive Slayer Or by going directly to the CFSLHRF site.

We are based in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. On top of the global epidemic that everyone has to deal with, we are dealing after two deadly and massive catastrophic hurricanes, the Louisianas Laura and Delta. These catastrophic forces have displaced tens of thousands of people. They have destroyed homes, local businesses and livelihoods.

The impact of hurricanes has hit us on a very personal level. Our founder Cody Louvre travels several times a week to Lake Charles, Louisiana – Hurricane Ground Zero. A native of Lake Charles, he and his family – along with his mother, father, and siblings – are trying to store and repair their homes in the midst of natural disasters from behind these houses.

About Hive Slayer

The HIV Slayer mixes the classic style with the power of VR, making you the deadliest defender of the galaxy. Genohart, the endless legion of alien monstrosities, threatens the stellar empire of mankind. You are the last remaining member of the Hive Slayers, the best and last defense of the galaxy against alien threats. Yours Matrix accountlet And Plasma plaster Your task, designated BAB, is as easy as it gets: Survive the endless XenoHorde, bring humanity to the brink, and explode all bugs.

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Hive Slayer embraces its arcade roots with many game modes, power-ups, enemy types and more. Challenge your friends to see who can score higher in the local game or embrace your inner sharpshooter and climb to the top of online leaderboards.

Save the galaxy and support our community

As we said at the beginning, we are a local Louisiana indie developer. Laura and King Crow Studios donate 100% of net income to help Louisiana community affected by Hurricane Delta Hive Slayer Page Community Foundation of Southwest LouisianaLaura Hurricane Relief and Rescue Fund. This fund focuses on providing all the necessities for food, shelter, medicine and future needs and grants for future long-term recovery.

Download Hive Slayer now Itching Or Steam.

Download our Trailer & YouTube link Here.

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Sarah Kent, [email protected]

Jim Orator, [email protected]