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Izernia Project 'Dedechi' Download: "Support for Melogli"

Izernia Project ‘Dedechi’ Download: “Support for Melogli”

“Following careful evaluation of the election results, the coalition plans, the political-institutional organization about the city of Isernia, which has been affected by the recent administrative elections, – reads a note – the candidates on the list of citizens decided to give Progetto per Isernia.
This decision was taken following the selection of the candidate of Mayor Cosmo Dedeci “to accept the orientation of free reflection and creative responsibility for the benefit and future of the city of Isernia”.
Attorney Melokli, at several inter-party meetings, made it clear that “Izernia Hospital has not been touched” and that his political action “will lead to the security and strengthening of Izernino Hospital and that no one will be allowed to do so.
We had an integrated mission with jobs for young people, with a particular focus on the university and the city’s overall urban development, historic center, San Lazaro and rural districts.
In order to thank the citizens who voted for us, we ask Attorney Gabriel Melokli to stay close to us in supporting him as mayor of the city of Isernia.

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