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Is Nintendo planning to revive the Pokemon Mini for the 25th anniversary of Pokemon?

Is Nintendo planning to revive the Pokemon Mini for the 25th anniversary of Pokemon?

Pokemon Mini© Nintendo Life

There is definitely a lot going on to celebrate the 25th anniversary this year Pokemon It’s fair to say that Nintendo and Pokemon have not disclosed everything that will happen in the next few months – including sports, merchandise and music – but that people are looking for any other Pokemon – related events.

Take Nintendo’s Life Ash Player for example. He sent an e-mail informing us that a new search type referring to the Pokemon Mini portfolio has been added to the Nintendo UK site. In the “Original for” category, the Pokemon Mini now has its own list, along with Game Boy, GameCube and Super Nintendo.

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Interestingly, there is also a “other settings” type, which you would expect the Nintendo Pokemon Mini to put on – of course, if there are no plans for it, reboot the device somehow.

Look, we’m making a big guess here, but think about it – the Pokemon Mini is ripe for a redesign, especially considering that many young fans would not have been there to enjoy it.

Since it is listed under the “first” category, we think that some kind of digital re-release will be more. Nintendo may be considering releasing the Pokemon Mini app for switches or smartphones that are free to download, but it allows you to purchase individual Pokemon mini games for a small fee. Capcom Arcade Stadium?

If you do not know what a Pokemon Mini is, it’s a small device the size of a Tamarind, which was released in 2001 and allowed to insert small bullets containing mini-games. With about $ 40 (£ 30 in the UK) and $ 20 / £ 15 software per pop, it had the potential to be a huge success, but it did not sell out despite Nintendo relying on it and exiting quickly. vue – may be due to the fact that Game Boy Advance was launched in the same year.

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Only ten games have been produced for the Pokemon Mini, each with a Pokemon theme, making it one of the best digital packages for the Switch.

Is this preferred thinking on our part? Let us know what you think by leaving a comment below.