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Instructions and deadline

Instructions and deadline

Proxy for Presidential Election: Instructions to Respect and Timeline

Proxy voting. Could not go to the polls on April 10 and 24? Don’t panic, that’s why proxy voting is done. Descriptions.

[Mis à jour le 1er avril 2022 à 17h24] In a few days, you can vote to elect a new president of the Republic. But, next April 10th and 24th, you may have planned an event for a long time … Do not panic and do not have to go to your polls to vote. In fact, it has the power of attorney. In addition, its use has been simplified since 1Er January 2022. No longer do you have to hand over your vote to a person registered in the same municipality as you.

How to do it? In detail, you can file a Power of Attorney request This siteAfter overcoming from your trusted person Voter number And his date of birth, i.e. all his civil status data and his voting commune. After submitting your application online, you should go to the police station, gentry or consulate to verify your identity and verify your attorney’s authority. You will receive an email notification that your proxy has been approved. On a case-by-case basis, the service provides a general overview of what steps to take to seek your attorney’s authority. Here (Request for Power of Attorney in France, from abroad, etc.).

Proxy Election: Form in Police, Gendermary, Court

To establish the power of attorney of your lawyer, you can go to a police station, a gendermary regiment or the district court of your home or workplace. At the counter of these companies, you will be given a manual completion form. If you live abroad, you should go to the embassy or consulate. In case you are unable to travel – for health reasons only, the only reason to be taken into account – You should justify your written request with a medical certificate or proof of ill health and ask the authorities to come to you to establish the power of attorney in your home.

Another solution if you want to save some time: you can now download the same form from the Internet (named Serfa 14952 * s01), Fill it in electronically and then print. You can get it by clicking directly Here From our site. The document should be printed on two sheets. You must complete the sections “Vote by Proxy”, “Affidavit” and “Receipt to be given to the Chancellor”. The government has been practicing this practice for some years and is making it easier to use the power of attorney. It does not exempt you from filing in the police station / gendermary / district court – this action is necessary – but you will spend less time in the corridors or in the reception area of ​​these administrations.

In both cases, the information to be completed is the same. First, provide your ID, address, date of birth, phone, and email. You will need to fill in several fields about this “proxy: his / her last name / first name / address / date of birth) why you are fulfilling your election duties (health reasons, disability, occupational or training duties, holidays, residing in a municipality other than the city where you are registered). The administration will ask you to certify the reason for the failure and to complete the affidavit.

When you complete the proxy form, you have two options: either you choose the type of election (for example the 10/04/2022 presidential election), or you choose the validity period (the proxy valid is “DD / MM / YYYY up”). During a particular election, you must specify whether you will proxy only for the 1st ballot, proxy for the 2nd ballot, or for both ballots.If you choose the closing date, the attorney may only establish a maximum of one year in the national territory and three years in the embassies or embassies of French voters living abroad. Keep in mind that it is up to you to choose what kind of lawyer’s authority is best for what you do not have (vacations, going abroad, occasional disability related to your work).

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In principle, you can apply by proxy until the day before the election, i.e. April 9, 2022, for the next presidential election. But there must be time to send the request and be notified to the polling station in a timely manner. To implement this process, consider the power of attorney in the downhall routing and delay in processing. Take immediate action to prevent your proxy from being blocked from voting at your place on D-Day. In general, it is difficult to say for sure if a proxy can be voted on unless action is taken. At least 3 days before the election deadline.

The person voting for you may be your husband, wife, brother, mother, friend, or neighbor.A political activist whose sympathies you share … The law does not impose any criteria on the nature of your relationship. Before you vote, let him know the name or list of candidates you would like to vote for. She is free to respect your wishes … no! So choose the person who is obviously trustworthy, because he is the one who will put the ballot in the envelope, so he will play in the results of the 2022 presidential election. Advocate of a voter registered in the voter list of a municipality other than his own.

The answer is simple: no documentation. The person voting for you does not have to provide any specific evidence. This person assigned a proxy will not receive any official documents prior to voting. He must appear at your polling station with an identification document, give your name before the ballot is placed on the ballot box, and the head of the office will check that the attorney has the authority and verify his or her ballot. Others. So your proxy will vote twice: once in his name at his polling station, once in your name in your office. To facilitate the task, do not hesitate to contact him in advance Opening time of the polling station.

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