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Indoor restaurants, swimming pools and banquets with friends and relatives: the latest hurdles fall.  The new Federica command is here

Indoor restaurants, swimming pools and banquets with friends and relatives: the latest hurdles fall. The new Federica command is here

UDINE. The chairman of Fvg Massimiliano Fedriga signed Consecutive and Emergency Order No. 12 on Saturday, May 29, which will reopen several operations from Monday, May 31.

“The early reopening of many operations due to the entry of Friuli Venice Giulia into the White Zone starting on Monday is a strong signal for a return to normalcy,” he declared.

“Key word – hence Frederica – General Knowledge: General Knowledge of the Conference of the Regions, I thank you, has laid down the guidelines for reopening, linked to today’s regional mandate, and the general knowledge of the citizens to ensure that the openings scheduled for Monday to be held in its conduct and to expedite the removal of all relations imposed by the Govt.” .

“There has been no curfew order since Monday – the governor discovered – despite obligations such as masks, remote, careful hand hygiene and cleaning of ventilated and closed spaces. With the expansion of the vaccination campaign we are on the right track. It will be open to those under the age of 40 from June 3.

We can see – Federica concludes – the end of all restrictions that have taken away our economic and social life. “

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