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Mit Hilfe der Cell-Broadcast-Technologie können alle Handys, die in einer bestimmten Mobilfunkzelle sind, eine Warnung per Textnachricht erhalten, ohne zuvor eine App herunterladen zu müssen. Foto: dpa/Jens Kalaene

In case of disaster: The government wants to send a warning message to the citizens – politics

With the help of cell broadcast technology, all cell phones in a particular cell can receive alerts via SMS without having to download a processor in advance. Photo: dpa / Jens Kalaene

Citizens should be alerted with additional push messages on their cell phones in the event of a disaster. But for this to happen, the telecommunications law must first be amended.

Berlin –

In the event of a disaster, the federal government should warn citizens of additional push messages on their mobile phones. The effects were taken from catastrophic storms in northern Rhine-Westphalia and the Rhineland-Palatinate, many of which were surprised by the July floods. At least 180 people were killed.

On Wednesday, the cabinet approved a development assistance for the coalition factions of the CDU / CSU and the SPD so that legal changes can be implemented immediately. The telecommunications law should be introduced into what is called cell broadcasting. “Population alert should work on all channels,” said Union Home Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU). “The introduction of cell broadcasting will complete sirens, processors and radios.” Federal Economy Minister Peter Altmeyer (CDU) said the technical details would now be discussed with the Federal Network Agency, the federal office for civil defense and disaster relief. Central Office for Information Security and Cellular Network Operators clarified.

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With the help of cell broadcast technology, all cell phones in a particular cell can receive alerts via SMS without having to download a processor in advance. Foreign cell phones will be alerted if in the disaster area. Mobile network operators are legally obligated to go along with this.

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According to government sources, the new system should be ready for use by the fall of 2022. The cost of the investment is estimated at around 40 million euros. Up to one million euros per year is expected for maintenance and operation for each operator. These costs are borne by the Central Government. Personal warning messages are not paid for.

Legislative changes will be made by Parliament in the next few weeks. Subsequently, a regulation regulating technical details is to be published.