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Illegal copies of games for Microsoft Edge

Illegal copies of games for Microsoft Edge

Many games have been available over the last few days as extensions for the Microsoft Edge browser. Most of them are illegal copies without the permission of the owner. Microsoft also advertised the games on Twitter. In response to Microsoft reports, Edge has removed most unlicensed games from the range of extensions.

Games listed on the Edge extensions include the Nintendo Classic Mario Kart 64 And Super Mario Brothers., Sonic the Hedgehog2, Back-man, Tetris And Cut the rope. Even one provided by Microsoft Minecraft Was. Overall, it was then Information Edges With 35 games from ten different providers such as Game Pro Inc., Gamelands, Sterile and Cade. Some games are listed multiple times.

‘S official Twitter account Microsoft Edge teams Edge even advertised extensions: “All Back-Man, Tetris and Mario lovers are paying attention! Did you know that Microsoft Edge offers these and other classic games as extensions?” Tweet from MSEdgeDev In the list of edge extensions. Meanwhile, as with games, this tweet was deleted.

Removed Twitter ad from MSEdgeDev


A user had installed the Mario Kard 64 extension for Microsoft Edge. After his information was deleted on Twitter, the game was completely downloaded. So it was definitely a copy. Other older games can be plucked and played as browser versions. This is mostly tolerated by developers. However, Nintendo is known for extensively protecting its own games and characters. In 2009 Nintendo intensified its crackdown on software pirates.

Some games offered as Edge extensions had an October release date. So they were illegally obtained from Microsoft for some time.


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