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How to open and read PDF files on Android

How to open and read PDF files on Android

If you want Open and read the PDF file on Android, You can do this even without downloading the app. We usually achieve this with Drive, a Google application that is already installed on some devices. It is a great read as it does not include any ads and is free and functional.

Open and read PDF files on Android devices

Obviously, there are endless applications for Android phones. We can also find numerous applications for opening and reading PDF files. However, most of them have annoying ads or you just have to go through the box to get more out of them.

However, if you want to use the base Read a PDF file, We can do this quickly with Google Drive, we already have this app installed on our device. So, we don’t have to download anything.

The first thing we are going to do is search for the PDF file, its link, file manager and so on. Usually when we click on the said file, it should open in the application you set by default and it should be a PDF reader. You can have many options if the apps are downloaded from the Play Store. Likewise, the better the drive, the less read.

The drive reader is enough to read any kind of PDF file, it has no ads, you can see them in full screen, the text size is very convenient and it moves smoothly.

We can also edit PDF files with Drive

This is not the only one Read the PDF. You can also edit PDFs without downloading anything.

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Let’s open the PDF in the drive’s PDF reader. Now you need to click on the “+” icon above to save the document. Then we need to enter Google Chrome and activate the desktop version. To do this, click on the three dots located in the upper right corner of the screen, a menu with several options will be displayed, you should hear the desktop version, which is a little less, all you have to do is go to the operating system from Chrome. We will now see the PDF file that we added to our account. Take a closer look at what appears to be “Open with Google Docs” here, we have to press.

You can change it now. The only downside is that you will not be able to do it in PDF format. Otherwise in txt format. If you want to edit this in PDF format, you need to download an app from the Play Store.

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