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Les QR Codes compris sur les certificats de vaccination pourront être scannés aux frontières européennes.

How to get a QR code that allows you to travel in the EU?

Once the European Health Pass is launched, a new QR code must be downloaded to cross the EU’s internal borders.

These are small black and white squares that allow you to cross borders. European authorities have relied on scanning QR codes on paper or in digital form to recognize vaccination certificates and allow Europeans to travel freely again without risk of infection in various EU countries.

The most recent vaccination certificates issued in France From May 3, Already contains two QR codes: one “DatamatrixWho will authenticate the document and prove that the document holder was actually vaccinated; The other QR code allows the scanned version to be stored in TousAntiCovid to scan the user’s certificate, which is the government’s digital tracking application. Name of this storage: TousAntiCovid Carnet.

In paper or digital version

The same QR codes will be automatically inserted in the new certificates. Certificates of persons who have been fully vaccinated before May 3 – or nearly 707,618 French people according to the Govt Tracker Vaccine Campaign Monitoring site – do not, however. They have to wait Second half of May Can hold these digital buffers.

How? ‘Or’ What? At that time a special place is available on the health insurance website. You can connect with your regular identifiers or France Connect, a well-known digital identification service that allows you to easily access public services online.

Paper version of the same QR codes can also be requested through this portal. In addition, the government source confirms that these certificates can be issued in both English and European formats.

See also – What do we know about the “health passport” that the EU wants to keep this summer?

New QR code is expected

But not everything is really that easy. These QR codes only last for a short time. “While mobility is effective at the European level, everyone will be invited to download the new insurance code, still from the health insurance website.“, Says Cedric O ‘office Figaro.

It will be the same QR code that can scan European health boundaries once the European Health Pass is launched. Current QR codes will actually be used primarily for ongoing test flights to Corsica and overseas. They will have access to more than 1,000 crowds from June 9. After a day of agitation by a majority modem sling, the National Assembly finally adopted it on Tuesday night, May 11th.

COVID-19: What’s in the “Digital Green Certification” program issued by the European Commission this Wednesday?

The European Health Pass is in the testing phase from Monday. This may include a vaccination certificate and a PCR test result or a recovery certificate from Covit-19. Within European borders, whether or not to authorize access is valid by air travel and by car or train.

See also – Health Passport: Can We Escape?

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