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How To Download Videos Without Any Software - Free Internet News

How To Download Videos Without Any Software – Free Internet News

Have you ever wondered how to download videos without any software?

It can be hard to find guides who will not take you to suspicious sites and spam. Also, downloaded videos are of low quality. Do not be afraid, read on to learn how to download videos without installing any software. Make sure you have high definition videos, which is another benefit.

Where and when to download videos?

Although the methods described in this guide can be used on many video sharing and social media sites, we recommend uploading videos for your personal use only, and uploading these videos only on publicly provided websites.

For example, we do not recommend downloading videos from websites such as Netflix or from other streaming sites that require a subscription. Below is a detailed guide on where to download videos.

We do not recommend downloading videos from any site for business purposes.

How to download videos without software?

Basics for downloading video

Most video streaming sites only allow offline downloads on their mobile apps. There will be download buttons on every video you watch. They look like arrows pointing down. When you use them, every video you download will be stored in the application, not on your device’s disk. For example, you can learn in-app how to download movies from Netflix.

Take the YouTube mobile processor for example. The download process is similar on iOS and Android: select a video, watch the download button (arrow) and click voila. The video will soon be available for offline viewing. You can find the download (s) in the “Library” tab. If you are offline, YouTube will redirect you to your downloads by default.

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Downloading videos for offline use is easy on the YouTube app.

If you do not have YouTube Mobile Apps, how to download? Across the Internet, many websites teach how to download videos without software. But these sites can be complicated at times. Using them will cause a virus infection in your computer. It is not uncommon for sites that provide such services to be overshadowed. Sometimes they are filled with “download” buttons and it can be hard to say which one. If you click the wrong button, you will be in a world full of digital misery.

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Where to download videos

Many sites give you the option to capture videos from any streaming site. Such as YouTube, Vimeo, DailyMotion. These sites are very convenient because they often work the same way.

Wondering how to download videos without software? These sites make it easy for you.

Here’s how to download videos without software using only one method.

Trouvez la vidéo que vous voulez télécharger.
Copiez l'URL de la vidéo et collez-la sur un site de téléchargement de vidéos de votre choix.
Cliquez sur "télécharger".

That’s all. Your browser receives the video directly from the URL, and the quality is good, but not passable. Most video capture sites on the Internet work in this way, making it easy to download even for beginners.

In the following section, we list the most reliable video scraping sites you can use to retrieve videos from any streaming site. Take a look at the screenshots showing how the process works.

Top Video Grabber Sites: YouTubeMP4, Catchvideo

Two great sites for capturing videos

Both of these sites are great for getting videos from sites including YouTube:


Both offer decent video resolutions, allowing c video to have five quality settings: 360p, 480p, 720p (HD), 1080p (full HD) and 4K. High resolution, such as 1080p and 4K, is only available if you upload the original video in those properties.

Here are the common steps to downloading videos using these video cropping sites:

Trouvez la vidéo que vous voulez télécharger.
Copiez l'URL de la vidéo.
Collez-la dans l'espace prévu à cet effet.
Si vous utilisez Catchvideo, choisissez la résolution dans laquelle vous souhaitez télécharger la vidéo.
Cliquez sur "convertir" pour YouTubeMP4 ou "attraper" pour CatchVideo.
Attendez que le traitement de la vidéo soit terminé.
Cliquez sur le bouton "télécharger".

Wait for your browser to finish downloading the video you want, that’s all. Unless you specify a different path, the system will save the file to the Downloads folder by default. When using CatchVideo, your media will be at the resolution you prefer.

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Also read: How to embed someone’s Twitter video without retweeting?

Read more reviews on what to do if not on the video streaming sites you like

But on social media like Instagram and Facebook?


Here’s how to download videos without software: FB version

Recherchez la vidéo que vous souhaitez télécharger. Mais d'abord, assurez-vous que la confidentialité de la vidéo est réglée sur Public, sinon vous ne pourrez pas la télécharger. Il est facile de savoir si la vidéo est publique : recherchez l'icône représentant un globe terrestre sous le nom de la page ou de la personne qui l'a publiée.
Cliquez avec le bouton droit de la souris sur la vidéo. Cliquez sur "Afficher l'URL de la vidéo".
Vous verrez apparaître une zone de texte contenant l'URL de la vidéo. Copiez le lien.
Collez le lien sur n'importe quel site de capture de vidéos que nous avons énuméré ci-dessus, puis téléchargez-le.


You can download Instagram videos on your desktop using the “Study” method.

  1. First, find the IG video you want to get.
  2. Right-click on the video and click “Study”.

Download IG videos directly to your desktop – no software required.

  1. Press Ctrl + F to see the link that appears after “.mp4”. The link comes before “src =”.

  1. Double-click the link on the screen. Press Ctrl + C to copy.
  2. Paste the link into a new tab, where you can play the video.
  3. Right-click on the video and click “Save Video As” to save it to your computer.

Download videos with a bit of HTML magic

  1. You can choose to copy the link and paste it into the video download site.

Now you will learn how to download videos on mobile without any software. This is tricky, but totally doable. The YouTube app is easy to download and use (free anyway). If for some reason you do not want to use the video streaming app, there are always ways to recover the videos. Capturing online videos and storing them on mobile works just like on desktop.

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Trouvez la vidéo que vous voulez, puis copiez son lien en cliquant ou en tapant sur les trois points horizontaux en haut à droite. Assurez-vous que la vidéo est également définie comme publique.
Collez le lien sur un site de collecte de vidéos.
Convertissez et téléchargez.


  1. Before anything else, update your mobile device to the latest version of iOS.
  2. Download shortcuts from the Apple App Store.
  3. Launch the video streaming app you like (YouTube, Daily Motion, etc.), select the video and click the “Share” button.

An alternative way to store YouTube videos on your Apple mobile device

  1. Swipe left until you see the “More” button with three horizontal dots. Click on it.
  2. Find “Shortcuts” and click the button next to it.

Here’s how to download videos without using YouTube’s download service

  1. Now that the shortcut app is active, you can select the video you want to download.
  2. Click “Share” and select “Shortcuts”.
  3. Press “Download”. In this example, we will use YouTube, so you will see the “Download YouTube” button.
  4. When the line “Save to Photo Album” appears, click on it. Your device will save the file to your photo album. This method works on iPhones and iPods.

Save photos when prompted during video download


We have listed above all the proven methods for downloading videos without software. These methods are safe, so you do not have to worry about viruses and more. Follow the recommendations so you can enjoy your favorite videos offline anytime, anywhere.