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Comment télécharger l'extension Sandbox Roblox

How To Download Roblox Sandbox Extension

Google Chrome Plugins can be upgraded Roblox Client is beyond its standard capabilities, a specific plugin Robro extension. The Avatar Sandbox feature is included for free with Robro, allowing you to try out items before purchasing!

How To Download Roblox Sandbox Extension

Download Sandbox Roblox Extension, You need to download the RoPro Chrome plugin. Once installed in your Chrome browser, the features will appear automatically Roblox Customer. The sandbox feature appears in the left drop-down menu under the Avatar option.

Note: Downloading Google Chrome extensions / plug-ins is done at the user’s own risk.

What is the Roblox Sandbox Extension?

Also known as the Avatar Sandbox Extension, the Roblox Sandbox Extension is a free “dressing room” for your avatar. This feature allows you to try out the owner less avatar item combo at the same time before purchasing. Roblocks typically restricts players from testing one item at a time on the Avalar list, but the Avatar Sandbox expansion allows players to preview multiple outfits at a time.

Benefits? Previewing an entire decor from top to bottom allows for greater freedom of expression. You can name and store your outfit to buy your favorite item combo at a later date.

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How to use the Roblox Sandbox extension

After installing the RoPro Plugin in your Chrome browser, go to Roblox Customer. Look at the drop-down options menu on the left. You should notice a new button that is not there before the call Sandbox. Click on the Roblocks Sandbox plugin to access it.

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What is the Robro plugin?

Robro plugin is a Chrome extension designed to enhance the player experience Roblox Customer. The Avatar Sandbox plugin is a feature that is featured among many other things included with the Robro plugin.

Additional features include:

  • “Random Play” button when you do not know what to play
  • “Most played games” tracker
  • Profile themes for customized customization
  • Game type filters for the best game discovery

How to uninstall Robro Plugin

Don’t like the Robro plugin or the Avatar sandbox feature? To uninstall RoPro Plugin, follow these steps:

  • In Google Chromew, click the Extension button (puzzle icon) next to the URL text box
  • Next to the RoPro plugin, press the button Button
  • Then press Remove from Chrome Uninstall the plugin

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