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How to create or modify a Mii on a Nintendo Switch

How to create or modify a Mii on a Nintendo Switch

  • To create a Mii on the Nintendo Switch, go to the System Settings menu.
  • The mice you create can be used in some Nintendo Switch games such as “Mario Kart 8 Deluxe”.
  • Some switch games, such as “Super Smash Brothers Ultimate”, allow you to create mice in-game.
  • Visit Business Insider’s Tech Reference Library for more stories.

If you’re one of the many people who owns a Nintendo Wii, you probably remember Mis. They are small, customizable characters that you can use in all kinds of games – in many ways, a precursor to today’s bit‌moji and animoji.

Even if the mouse is not on the front and middle as they are on the Wii, you can still create and save the mouse on the Nintendo Switch.

Once you’ve made a Mii, you can use it in a variety of ways, such as your user account picture, the racer in “Mario Kart 8 Deluxe” or the fighter in “Super Smash Brothers Ultimate”. You can save up to 100 ms on your system.

Here’s how to make or modify the Mi on your Nintendo Switch.

How to create Mii on your Nintendo Switch

The quickest way to create a Mii – and the only way to modify them – is through the System Settings menu.

1. From the home screen, go to System Settings – this is the second icon from the bottom right in the toolbar.

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Go to System Settings.

Melania Weir / Business Insider

2. In the system settings sidebar, scroll down until you come to the Mii tab.

3. On the right side of the screen, create / edit a Mii and press A.

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The only option is “Create / Edit” in the Mii menu.

Melania Weir / Business Insider

4. From here, you can go through the Mii list and select the existing Mii before editing or select “Create New Mii” in the sidebar. You can select “Send / Receive” to connect to another Nintendo switch nearby and send or receive Mii characters with that other console.

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Select Mii to edit from your Mii list or create or receive a new Mii.

Melania Weir / Business Insider

5. If you decide to create a new Mii, you have the opportunity to start from scratch, choose a look identical or copy the Mii from Amibo.

If you start from scratch, you will be given the Mii with all the default settings. If you choose a look that is identical, you can instead choose a similar character and improve the features from there.

You must have an amibo image saved for Mii by selecting Copy Mii from Amibo.

6. Create your Mii, feature-by-feature. There are many customizable areas of the body to choose from and you can make them in any order you want.

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Select the attribute you want to modify first.

Melania Weir / Business Insider

7. Once you have selected the body area, you can use the L and R triggers to edit different aspects of that area. For example, when editing your Mi face, you can first edit the head shape, then tab and edit the cheeks or facial lines, and then select the skin color.

When you are done editing a given area, press the B button to go back and select another one.

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Use the L and R buttons to navigate through the menus.

Melania Weir / Business Insider

8. You can also modify the size and placement of some features using the slider. The arrows next to the features move the slider to indicate whether the feature can be moved long, short, wide, narrow or up or down the face.

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You can use the sliders to change the size or placement of certain features.

Melania Weir / Business Insider

9. You can also choose Mii’s “favorite color” – it will choose the color shirt they wear.

10. When you are done, press “Done”, and then select the name to complete your Mii.

Some games like “Super Smash Brothers Ultimate” have their own MI creators. These allow you to create and customize the Mii in the same way, but do not allow you to modify that Mii later.

Those games will be saved to the MIES system you created. However, you may not have the mice you downloaded from the internet.

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