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Here is the iMac M1 (almost)!

Here is the iMac M1 (almost)!

Instead of waiting for the iMac to run on Apple’s chips, why not recycle all-in-one with the ultra-modern components of the Mac Mini M1? This is an attractive idea that came to Luke Miani who reveals DIY in the video. The 27-inch iMac (not Retina) hacker has been out there since 2011, with its trunk on the back large enough to fit inside a Mac Mini.

After removing the internal components of the iMac and purchasing something to connect the Mac Mini motherboard to the 27-inch screen, integrate all the components of the small computer and embark on a big-chassis journey. Pim, Luke got the object of his choice: an Imag M1!

Seen from a distance, it does not seem so complicated, and in addition to the power of the system, we get almost complete operating system. But Handyman warns that the Mac Mini, finally remaining in it, has lost one of its three antennas for Bluetooth and WiFi.

Conclusion: The internet connection is slow and there is a problem responding to Magic devices. Surprisingly, the WiFi antenna was enough to connect the iMac to the first Mac Mini (although the connection between the two machines was ten years old).

Well, we’re far from Apple’s small integration.

The real and serious problem is that the ports of the Mac Mini are inside the iMac body. Like the ignition switch! It is therefore necessary to remove the screen to access it, which is not particularly practical. Instead of starting this DIY, it shows its limits very quickly, instead Luke advises Turn an iMac into a monitor. It is a subtle process, but it is undoubtedly very practical.

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For others who do not like garbage, be patient. Apple has fitted a home chip with a new 24-inch iMac Completely revised design.