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Here is a dying galaxy

Here is a dying galaxy

Up to 2000 billion Constellations Each in the universe is filled with hundreds of billions of stars. Called ID 2299, this film is unique in that it dizzies just like these numbers. The European Southern Laboratory (ESO) released on Monday, Located in Germany, shows an unprecedented event: the “live” death of a galaxy located in deep space. Quotes are important, we’ll see …

At his death, first. ID2299 is supposed to be truly disabled when all of its gas is exhausted. However, as Bloom we see in the picture shows, half (46%) of it is active, allowing it to escape, at a rate of 10,000 suns per year. Along with the other half of its gas, it produces stars at the rate at which Staganov turns pale, hundreds of times faster than our Milky Way. At this rate, ID 2299 has only a few million years to “live”. At the level of a human life, we can talk about unrelenting pain. But this is far less than the age of the Universal Captain: 13.7 billion years.

The intention of the artist

The magic of time and place comes right here: ID 2299 is not already in this world! It is about 9 billion light years away, which means it took 9 billion years for its light to reach us. So, it shows itself as it was when the universe was less than 5 billion years old. “Live” is a bit late …

At this distance, no photo is possible, as this picture would suggest. The latter is the work of Martin Cornmaser, a graphic designer working for the European space agency ESA. Often in astronomy, this artist’s vision represents an event because it is observable in the best possible circumstances. On the other hand, the collision of galaxies with the formation of ID 2299 and the appearance of its gas leak is very real. It was discovered thanks to the Alma radio telescope located in Chile, which scans the sky in search of variations of waves emitted by the universe, which is evidence of many spectacular phenomena. An article published Monday in Nature found “real” examples, but they do not speak to ordinary people.

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