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Horrid Henry

Harrit Henry’s Crazy Cards – A children’s series based racing game released on January 21 for the Nintendo Switch – ntower

Only a few of you in this country know Harrit Henry. The animated British children’s series, based on the book series, tells the stories of the main character, the naughty and arrogant boy of the same name, who is hated by teachers at his school and celebrated by his classmates. On January 21 For that Nintendo Click Racing game appears Crazy Cards by Harrit Henry Targeting younger audiences, the series allows you to spin on two-dimensional racetracks with different characters. It was created by P2 Games. Unfortunately there is no trailer, but there are some Screenshots From the game:

Harry Henry’s Crazy Cards Game Gallery

  • Screenshot of Harid Henry's Crazy Cards game

    © P2 Games Limited / Novel Entertainment

  • Screenshot of Harid Henry's Crazy Cards game

    © P2 Games Limited / Novel Entertainment

  • Screenshot of Harid Henry's Crazy Cards game

    © P2 Games Limited / Novel Entertainment

  • Screenshot of Harid Henry's Crazy Cards game

    © P2 Games Limited / Novel Entertainment

Together Six CharactersYou take part in various races in the game, including Harrit Henry, Perfect Peter, Brian Brian and Moody Margaret. You can take part in a total of 10 races on six different, individually designed cards, divided into four different racing environments and 40 levels. Even Own status You are allowed to create and then share them with your friends. With many more Brush You can harass your opponents during races, including mud splashing, bubble foam, nasty goo, snot bags and more. For fun, you can do it while driving Hilarious Sound effects A terrible Ford or D-Rex roar and so on.

So far, only a few video game adaptations of the series that have already appeared have appeared in this country. Harrit Henry: The Good, the Bad & the Buckley For the Nintendo 3DS. It remains to be seen whether Harry Henry’s Crazy Cards can also be purchased in this country. It has to cost when it appears UK Nintendo eShop 24.99.

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Do you know the Kids Series or is this the first time you’ve heard of it?

Source: Nintendo Life