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Happy New Year from VEGANOK Network

A new year together! Download Vegamok Laboratory Magazine to discover new food trends for 2021

We enjoyed a truly unique 2020, which brought many difficulties, but also brought positive ideas to reflect.

How weak are we? How much do our lifestyles help us to create a better future?

We are going through a deadline of 2020 at VEGANOK Magazine Labs.

Download the magazine for free

Here are some of the topics you may find in this post:

  • Wagon 2020: 5 product categories representing “Vegetable Revolution”
  • Not just vegetarians: who they are Consumers of plant products?
  • Chronology: Levels and key facts of 2020
  • Dietary trends And consumption in 2021: What awaits us?
  • Vegetable substitutes for meat in between Technology and craftsmanship
  • Hand purifiers: An overview
  • The Italians did not leave Panetton: Which companies are focusing on vegetarianism?
  • Because vegetarian Christmas fermented products can’t carry words “Panetton” on the label?
  • Christmas and New Year’s Eve? Vegetarian bubbles! What does this mean Vegetarian wine?

How to get the second issue of the magazine?

Download your free copy here:

Journal for operating companies and experts
In the vegetarian field (and not only)

Wagonok Magazine Laboratory There is:

  • The purpose of a project For companies Those who want to inform them about trends and regulations
  • Opportunity for study Awareness Consumers Those who want to get accurate information about consumption
  • A tool Journalists Searching for studies and data
  • A well-rounded protocol release product because it gives place to the world of sustainable production; It is created by a team that also deals with the distribution of topics covered; The product of the magazine – including the use of ink and paper – is designed to be completely vegetarian.
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Choose VEGANOK certified products for your purchases and invite your acquaintances to do so.
Only with the contribution of all can a change be made for the protection of the planet.