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GTA Online: Update Hit Innocents - Fan Trouble for Night Club Disorder

GTA Online: Update Hit Innocents – Fan Trouble for Night Club Disorder

  • Josh Grossman

    FromJosh Grossman

    To the end

GDA online renewal includes doubling down on nightclubs. Thus the innocent are affected. The developer has now responded and uploaded a patch.

Update from 09/10/2021The planned connection went live. The background update prevents cheats from getting the chance to double up on items in their nightclub. Prior to that, the update only confirmed that all players could no longer enter the nightclub. Rockstar games needed a little more time. All changes in this update:

  • Fixed copy defect affecting night club garages
  • Disables the text path exit menu when joining tasks
  • Border dress bug fixed, so you can get the outfit now
  • Fixes an error that prevented Auto Shop Delivery from starting on the system

Reported from September 8, 2021: New York – On September 7, 2021, Rockstar Games released an update that fixes a flaw in GTA Online. Disability allows players to double the materials inside, which is definitely a pin for the developer. With the update, Rockstar Games prevented thousands of gamers from entering the hard-earned nightclub. For some, even accessing GTA online is completely impossible.

Name of the game Grand Theft Auto Vs.
Release 17. September 2013
Author Rockstar Games
Series Grand Theft Auto
Developer Rockstar North
Walkway PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X / S, PC
Type Open world, action adventure

GTA Online: Updates for nightclubs throw players: inside out – recalls Rockstar patch

With the update, Rockstar Games has brought the world’s worst bouncer to GDA Online. Because what is a nightclub without visitors? The update will prevent fraudsters from duplicating a defective item. But innocent GTA online players were also affected. After entering the nightclub, an error message was displayed about five seconds after the climbing screen, which pushed you back into the single player.

Rockstar Games did not release a statement, but on Twitter Inside Tez2 speaks. Earlier, Tez2 made a prediction about the GTA Online nightclub update, which could be the next big update. Insider writes that the background update has turned upside down. So the players were able to go to their nightclubs at night and double the supplies.

GTA Online: Spawn in a nightclub? No online multiplayer with update

While most players are only excluded from their own nightclub, some are not even able to play GTA online. Many of the responses to the Tez2 tweet came from players who were repeatedly added as single players.

GDA Online: Rockstar kicks innocents out of nightclubs – update wrong

© Rockstar Games (Montage)

Some players set up their spawn point at the nightclub – big mistake. Whoever started the game at the nightclub did not even get a chance to play GTA Online and immediately got the error message. Some found a solution quickly by joining the game of other players to implement their own spawn point.

GTA Online: Dual Items in Night Club – Rockstar Games seem powerless

The efforts of Rockstar Games proved to be in vain and many gamers now believe that Rockstar Games will drop the fight. If the developer completely blocks access to GTA Online with updates like these, it will do more damage than disorder. In addition, some players were able to double their stuff even though online multiplayer was not available.

Once the game starts on a single player, a Twitter user can start the online mode smoothly and continue to misuse the vulnerabilities. The developer has not yet said what plans Rockstar Games will follow in the future to get rid of such flaws. Instead of abusing the flaws, these tips will help you make a lot of money on GDA online.

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Rubriklistenbild: © Rockstar Games (Montage)