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Free releases update 4.3.3, here’s what changes

Update 4.3.3 is free to use on Free Box Pop, Delta, Revolution, One and Mini 4K. There are many fixes and minor improvements in the firmware. In the Free Box Revolution, a telecommunications troubleshooter fixes an error that occurred when distributing files with Air Media, a free solution to use AirPlay for Apple devices.

Freebox pop test

Every month or so, Free introduces the use of a new update in its Free Box. The update, titled 4.3.3, contains concern Freebox Pop, Delta, Revolution, One, And Mini 4K. It is already available to users who have been members of the beta program since last week.

Changelog uploaded by developers Corrections only. Update fixes some bugs and crashes in free boxes. On the other hand, there is nothing new in this firmware menu.

In the same case: Crystal and Opalie drop the free box, the operator replaces them with the Mini 4K

Changes brought about by Free Box 4.3.3 update

Announces free update “Documents Freebox OS”, Documents describing the operation of the operating system. The ISP also adds the opportunity to connect to the SMB service with the IPv6 network protocol.

After all, the developers claim to have solved a problem “SMB1 instability when SMB2 is enabled”. These protocols allow file sharing Connects to Freebox via USB from network hard disks and storage space. Although the SMB2 protocol is becoming more and more widespread, some users are still turning to SMB1.

Finally, fixes a bug that prevents free “Play Voice Through Air Media in the Freebox Revolution”. From a few weeks, Analog audio output no longer sounds with content broadcast via AirMedia, Free solution to enjoy AirPlay.

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As always, restart the Freebox server to download and install the update. Unless you are forced to install the firmware, Free Box will automatically download and install the 4.3.3 update in the coming days. Is it possible to install the update without any problems? We look forward to your testimony in the comments.