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Free PC games to download, new gift in epic game store

Free PC games to download, new gift in epic game store

Like every Thursday the epic sports shop Give the PC a new free game, Then Download for free from Mars This time once a week Fall, Is not really the most recent title (it was launched in 2014) but it is more than a surprise to lovers of the genre.

Fall is a unique blend of the usual traditional mysteries of adventure and action games that are effectively blended and placed in the atmospheric world. This is possible by combining the way players interact with the world: in The Fall, players think and explore themselves and sometimes wrestle with the world and its extraordinary people.

Epic game store fall free Today from 17:00 to March 25 at the same time, Escape from Mars will always be until 17:00 this afternoon, so there are still a few hours left to recover and add it to your epic game store library.

It is not excluded that the epic may surprise us Add a second title for the fallSo, as we bring you two free games planned this week, we will find out more on the day the store is updated with new content.

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