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Anastasia, Ukrainienne réfugiée dans les Deux-Sèvres, et Stéphanie Bioret, des éditions Bonhomme de Chemin ont travaillé ensemble pour créer ces deux manuels

Free Conversation Manuals in French and Ukrainian created at Niort

This is a great endeavor. Bonhomme de Chemin editions specializing in children’s travel books on Niort. Two small free conversation guides In French-Ukrainian and Ukrainian-French. Objective: To facilitate the reception of Ukrainian children and to improve communication with young and old.

Bonhomme de Chemin publishes conversation guides for children in several languages. But not in the Ukrainian language. Following the Russian invasion of the country and the arrival of refugees in France, Stephanie Byrote, co-manager of publications, Requests. “The first person who contacted me was McNay’s mistress. She touched me. If she felt bad about this little chip, she was kind of afraid to tell herself how I was going to welcome her if she wanted to see him. Mom again … we have to do something, at least from the first I told myself I had to do something for the exchange. “.

It was a real opportunity for the French to exchange, a real lesson for sharing and openness to other cultures.

To create these manuals, Stéphanie Bioret received Assistance of AnastasiaHere is a 19-year-old Ukrainian refugee in Deux-Sèvres. “I was very interested in creating something in my mother tongue”. He has been studying French for more than 10 years and recognizes it as Moliere’s language “Difficult. Pronunciation is very difficult. And you have articles, un, la, les, we do not have it.”.

20 palettes can be downloaded for free on the site of Bonhomme de Chemin editions
20 palettes can be downloaded for free on the site of Bonhomme de Chemin editions © Radio France
Nomi Guillotine

These manuals explain the alphabet because of the Ukrainian alphabet CyrillicTranslation and phonetics Useful words Hello, thank you … for free download, go Bonhomme de Chemin Versions Website.

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