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Flash Healings and Verbal Oddities at Dell Play-Offs: Surprise Yourself - Sports

Flash Healings and Verbal Oddities at Dell Play-Offs: Surprise Yourself – Sports

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In the play-offs of the German Ice Hockey League, rhetoric and intrigue play a major role outside of sports. Polar bears are also involved.

Late Monday evening Mike Bellegrims cheered on camera with an almost frantic laugh. Following Adler Mannheim’s 4: 1 against Krislis Wolfsburg, the referee dared to speak to the winner ‘s aide about possible changes in the German Ice Hockey League’s (DEL)’s junior champions’ game structure.

Bellegrims spoke tightly: “No, of course I wouldn’t say anything about that.” Of course not, Belgium and Mannheim head coach Pavel Gross are outwardly considered the league’s control pranks and they will not let anything out of themselves. Certainly not in the play-offs, which is about ice hockey, as it happened in Mannheim on Monday evening, in the first semi-final of the mini-series “Best of Three”.

With Bellegrim’s example in mind, reviewers at Magentasport these days avoid interviews and sing for a few minutes or explore the game in more detail.

Players in Mannheim in particular make the wall according to all the rules of art. Try goalkeeper tennis entras: “You have to ask the coach.” That makes no sense. But outside of games words, gestures and actions play a major role in play-offs. Although the compressed play-off series this season is less effective than usual, the final round lives on with its own psychological laws.

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Important blank phrases – Rick Goldman has already been heard of as a player and now a TV presenter. He says: “In interviews immediately after the game, players and coaches focus more on their roles in the playoffs and the main round. The main thing is not to show any weaknesses. ”

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In an interview the day or the day before a game, it usually comes out more. But other activities, such as the “moment of surprise”, are more profitable than rhetoric in play-offs. Goldman says: “It’s more important in the play – offs because it’s a big advantage.”

Polar bears are not surprised

For example, the Polar Bears from Berlin attempted a maneuver to confuse their semi-final opponent from Ingolstadt on Monday. A few weeks later, Berlin ‘s highest-scoring Leo Fifferrell was said to be out until the end of the season after suffering a knee injury. But on Monday the striker suddenly appeared in line for the game – an hour before the first game, the Ingolstadt team was surprised.

The Berliners ran with their marching series (Fiederl, Marcel Nobles and Lucas Richel). However, the surprise effect was only partially effective. Pföderl scored on his comeback, which was not expected to leave the club, but Iceburn lost the first game of the series 3: 4 and are now under pressure in two of the games on Wednesday at Ingolstadt (8.30pm, live on Game 1).

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Iceberg coach Serge Abin may have brought a bit of unrest to his own team structure with the arrival of Pfeifferlin because the series with Zack Boyce instead of Pfeiffer worked well in the winning quarterfinal series against Iserlon. Magentasport expert Rick Goldman did not see this: “If you have a lineup like this, if Pf Pderl can play, he should play. Injuries always result in changes. “

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After Monday’s game in Berlin, the winners held back more rhetoric than the losers. Louis-Mark Aubrey, a three-time scorer in Ingolstadt’s victory, responded: “Which is better for us?” I do not know. ”Above all, his coach Doug Shetton promised not to rate a game three in Berlin on Friday.

The new mode changes the series

Regular rhetoric in play-offs: Those who stand in front of the match point will not let anything out. Those behind the wall talk a lot. After the defeat of his team, Biffetel said: “You saw that Ingolstad could hardly be with us if we played a little cooler and a little more confident. We need two more wins now – nothing has changed. “

Former DEL and national player Rick Goldman, however, is skeptical that such statements, especially this season, could lure the opponent for long or attract him. This is different from the usual “seven-best” series because players often meet because after a few games they are well aware of the opponent’s strengths and weaknesses. “But this season’s series is so short, no stories have been created. You are under pressure after failure. ”