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Feeling clean: More than 35kg of wool released from the Panorama community in Australia

Feeling clean: More than 35kg of wool released from the Panorama community in Australia

A goat that had not escaped the Australian bush for many years was rescued and then released from about 35kg of wool. Pam Ahorn, the owner of a private animal reception center, recently told the BBC, a British broadcaster, that baptized sheep named Barak would be eaten again.

Among other things, Sheep has become a megastar on the Dictok platform: the impeccable Baroque video has been viewed 2.7 million times.

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In early February the sheep were stunted and immobile by Ahern’s staff in southeastern Australia. Barak’s hair was so tight that he could no longer close his eyelids. The animal developed a sore in its eye from trapped grass seeds and dirt.

Barak (center) next to two goats after his 35kg fur was shaved.Photo: Edgar’s Mission Farm Sanctuary / AAP / DPA

Also, due to the unnatural weight, Barak could no longer stand and was malnourished, Arn said. As Barak shone, his heartbeat was seen to ensure that the sheep did not suffer a heart attack or stroke.

Arn says sheep like Barak should be slaughtered once a year. The Baroque wool is perfectly matched and unusable because sticks, grass and leaves have been stuck in the fur for years. (dpa)

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