The oil spill was caused by a leak in a pipeline off the coast of Southern California. More than 475,000 liters of oil spilled, according to officials on Sunday. The beaches at Huntington Beach, south of Los Angeles, are closed to visitors. District MP Katrina Foley said on Twitter: Dead fish and birds washed ashore.
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Huntington Beach Mayor Kim Carr spoke about the environmental disaster. Mission groups have set up barriers to protect threatening wetlands from pollution.
Since Saturday, oil has reportedly leaked from a faulty pipeline located several kilometers off the coast and connected to the production site. Operators said Sunday they were investigating the cause of the Divers leak. The promotion has been put on hold. Since then, no oil has been leaked, said Martin Wilsher, the company’s boss.
According to the Coast Guard, the oil spill covers an area of about 33 square kilometers. At Huntington Beach, walkers and surfers are told to leave the beach. An air show scheduled for Sunday, with thousands of spectators expected on the beach, is due to be canceled at short notice. (dpa)
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