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Elton Ring is officially “difficult”, not dubbed in Italian –

Analysis of the steam side Elton Ring We found two interesting details about the game, one positive for all soul lovers and the other negative for everyone. From the ball Namco and the software, in fact, Elton said the ring was official by filling in various fields on the game card. “Difficult“, The other detail is, the game will not be Dubbed in Italian.

It is true that the game will be Difficult We know it, but affirmation is always a pleasure. The change of title and structure may suggest an opening for less talented players compared to “regular” souls. Instead, the tags selected by Bandai Namco are “tough”, which will dispel any doubts you may have about the level of challenge that the game should propose.

The table is equally clear Languages Supported by the game: The only dubbing will be in English, while the subtitles and interface adaptation will be in Italian.

A choice that did not make everyone happy, but it was made by Bandai Namco To protect The quality and work of the original voice actors, they will convey the emotions and character of the characters with their voice.

The Elton Ring is expected on January 21, 2021 on PCs and consoles.

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