Ministerial Order n. The final state examination of the 52nd cycle of 03.03.2021 was regulated as 2020/21 and this year also has only one oral examination (replacing those provided by Assembly Order No. 8, Article 8, paragraphs 4 and 5 lgs. 62/2017) and by students, Starting from the topic assigned by the class committee and creating and presenting to each student a paper to be prepared by 20 May 2021.
The final state examination of the first cycle of education takes place between the end of the subjects and June 30, 2021, unless otherwise provided in connection with the progress of the epidemiological situation. (Art.1)
The Class Council assigns the subject of the paper to the student by May 7, 2021 (Art. 3C.1.)
By June 7, 2021, students will be sent to the classroom electronically or otherwise appropriately. (Art. 3 C.1)
The final review should be conducted as soon as the lessons are completed.
The exams must be completed by 30 June 2021.
Requirements for joining the exam
The requirements for joining the exam are listed:
- Indicates specific circumstances due to an epidemiological emergency, without any prejudice to any reasonable exceptions recognized by the teaching staff, and attended for at least three-quarters of an hour in the customized annual number;
- No disciplinary sanction was granted for non-participation in the state examination issued by Article 4, paragraphs 6 and 9 of the Presidential Decree of June 24, 1998. 249; (Article 2 paragraph 1)
No admission
In case of partial or failure to obtain learning levels in one or more fields, the class committee may decide with sufficient motivation not to join the final examination of the first cycle. (Article 2 paragraph 3)
Admission vote
Student or student (OM 52/2021 Art. 2 cc 2, 3; Legislative Order 62/17 Art. 6 c. 5).
The final vote
The study for the third class will naturally take place before the state examination and the full meeting. Schools wishing to expedite the process may convene class councils for admission ballots already on the afternoon of the last day of class and follow the full session immediately the same afternoon.
Title assigned to students
This topic will be assigned taking into account the ability and academic path of each. Class Council teachers will assist students in drafting the final product, original and assigned topic. This dissertation must be submitted by students by June 7 electronically to the classroom or to another appropriate method. Discussion on the dissertation presented will take place face-to-face (subject to various rules relating to the improvement of the epidemiological situation) between 30 June 2021 and the end of the course.
How to assign a title
Sheet subject:
- Each student is identified taking into account individual characteristics and levels of ability;
- It allows for the use of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the context of study and personal life, in a logic for learning and integration.
The paper contains an original product, consistent with the theme assigned by the class council, and includes one or more of the written text, including multimedia, drawing or drawing, video, art or technology production. Disciplines among those predicted by the study program
Oral selection
The oral exam should assess the student’s ability to:
- Argument
- Problem solving
- Critical and reflective thinking
- Level of mastery of civic education skills
Oral selection
The oral exam also determines the level of proficiency based on the aims and objectives of the skill rejected by the school curriculum by the national guidelines and provided by the specific programming of the class groups:
- Of the Italian language;
- Mathematical logic ability;
- Skills in foreign languages.
No music courses
As part of the oral exam, students attending music courses can, in accordance with current law, conduct a practical instrumental test by taking into account the type of instrument.
Students with disabilities
For students with disabilities, paper work, oral testing, and final assessment are defined based on the individual curriculum. For students with specific learning disabilities, paper work, oral examination, and final assessment are defined based on a personalized teaching plan.
Certification of standardized tests and skills
Students participate in national standardized tests of Italian (INVALSI), mathematics and English, if epidemiological conditions and the decisions of competent authorities allow. Failure to participate in any event to apply for the state exam does not apply. According to Section 2 of Cabinet Order 742/2017, a certificate of competency is drawn up and issued to students who pass the state examination during the final voting of the Class Council. For students who have participated in the National Standardized Tests, the Certificate of Skills is consolidated in accordance with Section 4, Paragraphs 2 and 3 of the Order of the Ministers 742/2017.
Behavior of the exam
The final state examination of the first cycle of education includes the oral examination, modifying the tests referred to in paragraphs 8, paragraphs 4 and 5 of the Legislative Order 62/2017, and includes the perception and presentation of the paper by the students. . The oral exam will take place in person and will predict the students ’perception and presentation of the dissertation presented by 20 June 2021.
The exam takes a particular view of the student’s final profile according to the national guidelines for the curriculum, with a particular focus on the ability to argue, problem solving, critical and reflective thinking, as well as the mastery level of civic academic skills. . B. During the oral exam, the level of mastery of the skills and objectives is determined:
- Italian or the language of instruction;
- Mathematical logic ability;
- Skills in foreign languages.
Video conference selection
Video conference selection is predicted in the following cases:
- Candidates admitted to the hospital for care or treatment, or in any case unable to leave the house during the examination period (motivation request to the manager with documents);
- State examinations of prison divisions, epidemiological conditions and rules of competent authorities if necessary if not possible;
- If the school is not likely to implement safety measures;
- Opportunity to participate in the examination by video conference if one or more commissioners are unable to attend. (Art. 9)
Students with Disabilities- DSA- B.E.S.
The paperwork, oral examination and final evaluation are both defined:
- For students with disabilities based on IEP.
- For SLT students based on the rules of PDP.
- For students with SEN based on what is predicted for the oral assessment tests during the year. (OM 52/2021 Art. 7, 8, 9)
Final evaluation
The Examination Commission defines the assessment criteria of the examination. Minimum score required to pass the exam: Six.
The Commission, on the basis of the Commission’s proposal, obtained the final estimate with a score of ten, obtained from the average, rounded to the upper unit by fractions equal to or greater than 0.5 between the admission mark and the selection estimate.
With regard to the assessments obtained in the three year school course and the results of the examination, the final assessment to be disclosed with the unanimous decision of the Commission, with a score of ten to ten, may be provided with courses. The Selection Commission may approve criteria related to the character of the courses from similar resolutions of the Teaching Committee (Art. 4).
Certificate of competence
During the final vote of the Class Council a certificate of competency is drawn up and issued to students who pass the state examination, with the exception of private students who have not been issued such a certificate.
Release of results
The results of the examination are published at the end of the proceedings by posting billboards on the school institutional seat of the Sub-Commission, with a note of the final score obtained, including indicating the courses if issued by the Commission. Separately for each class, only the booked document area of the electronic register was accessed exclusively by the students of the reference class, with the only indication of the words “did not graduate” if they failed to pass the exam. Itself. The final diploma issued at the end of the first round of examinations and the tables affixed to the institutional register do not mention any method of conducting the examination for students with disabilities and specific learning disabilities.
Minister signs below
https://www.miur.gov.it/documents/20182/5407202/OM-Esami+di+Stato+nel+primo+ciclo+di+istruzione+per+lanno+scolastico+20202021.pdf/adcb99f9-994c- af26-13ca-04de4a12c5e9? t = 1614865421164
Company Circular
Many schools are already preparing specialized institutional circulars aimed at regulating state exams. Among these companies, for example, is the well-run, comprehensive and well-structured, well-timed, circular by Dr. Carmela Ventola, Editor-in-Chief of San Xero’s (FG) Comprehensive Company “Janotti – Fracagretta”.
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