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Education desks: A service that provides counseling, guidance, support and assistance to students.  Download the regulation template

Education desks: A service that provides counseling, guidance, support and assistance to students. Download the regulation template


The Teaching Desk is a service that the school provides to its undergraduate students with interventions aimed at improving disciplinary knowledge and improving the learning process. Some schools have this organizational structure, and since they consider it an absolute priority, they have decided to streamline its use, precisely to avoid management approximations, which can actually damage organizational objectives.
The desk is generally considered for small groups (minimum 5 to maximum 10 students, even from different classes, as long as the topic on which the desk is requested is the same); Sessions targeting entire classes are not possible. Any exceptions to the number of students will be evaluated by the teacher in charge of the desk.

It is a service provided by the school that provides students with short retrievals, clarification on specific topics, support for customized retrieval and as an alternative to regular attendance of curriculum subjects or as an alternative to normal work outside of school.


This service is intended for students with moral disabilities who require additional explanations and for those who need to intensify personal training through teacher guidance and immediate correction.

Methods and times

The desk is activated at the request of the minimum number of students. Each company must be specifically identified and booked in an orderly manner.
The opposite function does not change the syllabus.
Counter service is arranged in the afternoon, almost always, and on days when the requested teachers have to agree. Each student can choose the teacher who will make the intervention, given their availability.
The selected teacher does not have to be their classmate.
The duration of each intervention usually varies from a minimum of one hour to a maximum of two depending on the actual needs of the students. The desk is useful for short retrievals, clarification on specific topics, and support for personalized retrieval, and is not intended as an alternative to the regular attendance of curriculum subjects or as an alternative to the normal work that a student must do during non-school periods. Hrs.
Registrations are made at the check-in desk by completing a paper form at least 2 working days in advance (e.g. Monday Friday, Tuesday Saturday Saturday, etc.).
A maximum of two students can register for each hour / course at the counter. The duration of the desk is at least 30 minutes per student (schedule and time, of course, can be planned, otherwise, by the relevant institutions). Any exceptions in the number of students will be evaluated by the teacher in charge of the desk if interventions are required on the same topic or similar strategies.

Rules for students

The teaching desk can be contacted at the initiative of the student or at the request of the teacher, but at the request of the family, if provided, the disciplinary teacher deems it necessary.
The student fills in a “booking form” in all its areas, indicating: surname and first name, class attendance, topics requested for intervention (to be mentioned in detail).
The student arrives at the scheduled time to use the service. If he is unable to attend, he should be contacted for his absence.

Rules for teachers

It is the responsibility of the teacher on the day before the counter date to see the booking form for registered students to find out about the proposed topics.
Branches made during the extra hours (i.e. up to the upgrade fee) will be charged only for the hours actually performed, based on what is specified in the booking form and in the branch register.
In the absence of a reservation, if the counter is located within the hourly update quota, the teacher must be at the institution until the end of the hour; On the other hand, if the opposite time is set aside to charge outside working hours, the teacher does not need to stay in school and is not entitled to pay.
The teacher must fill in the counter register documenting the secretarial process by the end of the school year. The names of the students obtained and the topics covered should be reported in the register from time to time.
Counter-opening times can no longer be changed when defined and published on the school website.

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Process Functional

It is necessary to fill out a form for each intervention requested.
The teacher must collect and sign the booking form, which he or she will occasionally give to the person in charge of his / her subject area.
The author must complete the record of interventions each time.
The teacher will make sure to fill out the personal card from time to time at the branch office. Representatives from the individual disciplines will oversee, on a monthly basis, verify the times actually undertaken, anticipate the record of interventions, collect booking forms from teachers, and fill out their register to carry out monthly monitoring. Of service.
The tool function collects data related to monthly monitoring, which communicates with the head teacher, and student booking forms; At the end of the detective desk will carry out the final report of the project.


Erba (Co)’s state high school “Carlo Porta”, like other schools, has prepared a special regulation to better organize this important service, with the brilliant management of the school’s director, Prof. Dr. Marcia Pontremoli. It is good to provide similar services to all schools.
