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Dying Light 2: Decland promises "wonderful news"

Dying Light 2: Decland promises “wonderful news”

Zombie Survival Continuation Dying Light 2 has been quiet for a long time, but it should change as soon as Dechland promises.

The Techland Development Studio has now spoken out and promised that “exciting news” about the game is coming. New information Dying light2 So Decland must be “soon” without naming a specific date.

Dying Light 2 finally made a name for itself on the internet when storyteller Bevel Sellinger left the development studio. It is noteworthy that he worked for 22 years in Decland and was involved in the survival sequel.

The development of the dying light 2 should not affect this further because the celestial position is already filled internally. It said in a statement: “Powell Celinger, who has been a storyteller for the past two years, decided to end his collaboration with Thackland at the end of 2020. He has spent his entire working life in Tekland – among other things – making a significant contribution to the success of the Call of Juarez series. , He has contributed a lot to Dying Light 2 as he has been in the project since its inception.

Dying Lite 2 was supposed to be released in the spring of 2020, but Decland announced the necessary postponement a year ago. Since then it has become quiet again about the ambitious legacy.

This is ambitious because the dying light 2 should be four times larger than the original size. The campaign should occupy you 15 to 20 hours, but if you want to complete all the side trips you must complete 100 hours of games. In addition, the decisions you make during the game will have an impact on the game world and change it.

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The game was almost half an hour away from Deckland’s zombie action in GC. It was hard!