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Dumping waste in some forests identified by the provincial police

The agents of the Cosenza Provincial Police, who are on duty in the extraction of San Giovanni in Pierre, were coordinated by the representative. Comm. Salvador de Erie has been monitoring the very outer and inner parts of the municipality of Chilaw for many months, and thanks to his in-depth knowledge of the territory and the dynamics within it, they have launched a series of investigations aimed at identifying those responsible for the degrading acts against nature. Although far from blindfolded, the behavior of these “polluters” certainly did not escape the attention of provincial police investigators.

Provincial Police Sila San Giovanni in PierreIn the dense jungles of Jammella, Fontino and Manga de Scovo, the countryside of San Giovanni Municipality in Fior, the Sangiovanese police conducted various raids and hunts; They started with an analysis of a yellow and burnt paper dated 34 years ago, and following a careful information investigation they identified the culprit who was already known to the police. Prior to the findings collected by the agents, the person summoned to the Ceylon detachment offices could not admit his responsibilities in connection with the illegal dumping of waste, but would now have to clean up at his own expense, and the prescribed permit would be at least 300.00 to a maximum of 3,000 euros, which is more than double the hazardous waste. He is certainly not the first writer to wildly abandon even the special waste identified by the provincial police on Cocenza Sila, and in recent months many have been heavily permitted under the Environmental Code (Legislative Order 3 April 2006, no). . 152). Agents of the San Giovanni Provincial Police in Fோர்r Detachment have criminally confiscated some of the areas used as illegal landfills for special and hazardous waste, and in addition have created a very detailed map with all waste disposal sites, identifying about seventy areas and then notifying the authorities to find a solution. In recent days, thanks to the action of the environmental police nuclear agents who worked at the Cosenza Provincial Police Command, another person was fined 12 1200 and given permission to recover the seats. Therefore, the Provincial Police continues to prevent and suppress environmental crimes and any other behavior of poverty of natural heritage without hindrance.

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