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Doom Eternity, technical analysis of the game on the Nintendo Switch here

A miracle that defeats demons, albeit small.

After the release of our trusty hybrid last month, finally a ‘In-depth analysis of Doom is eternity Per Nintendo Switch, Thanks to the experts Digital Foundry. As can be guessed from Our review, Digital Foundry Port agrees on what is best and what is not Panic button What she was able to achieve is really interesting.

Here is a short list of technical features that emerge from the analysis:

  • Despite the complexity of the elements on the screen, the average resolution is comparable to that of DOOM (2016).
  • The Nintendo Switch has more pixels than Wolfenstein’s second episode.
  • They touch 720p in modalità chopped, But you can also reach the 540p low, especially in crowded situations.
  • In Portable mode Max 600 p, Is at least 360p
  • The complexity of the shots, the lighting effects and other effects remained the same.
  • The system detail on the switch is explicitly reduced, although this type of reduction varies for each subject.
  • Often the systems that appear when the trims are too dim will appear in high resolution.
  • Individual object motion blur and other post-processing effects on the Nintendo Switch have been eliminated.
  • The depth of the field was removed when a glory was killed.
  • In some areas, more details were requested at the expense of measurement accuracy.
  • Particles in the switch are often removed.
  • You may sometimes notice vertical lines that are the result of a dynamic resolution scaling system.
  • The density and complexity of the maps remains the same on the switch as the quality of the animations.
  • When it is In chopped mode, 30 frames per second are maintained, Portability performance is comparable to docking, but there is an increase in issues related to frame rate. And, unfortunately, Katzkens does not exceed 20 frames per second.
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You may be interested in: Comparison between the PS4 and Switch version of Doom Eternal.

In the video below you can enjoy the full version analysis with Digital Foundry.

What do you think of Panic Button’s work on Doom Eternal? Did you buy the game? Are you satisfied with the massacre of demons on the laptop?