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Do not open voicemail via SMS

Do not open voicemail via SMS

SMS is increasingly becoming a favorite channel for fraudsters. Strangers are currently trying to lure victims into a trap with a voicemail. Victims should not be intrigued in any way.

The cell phone rings. A new message. “You have 1 new voicemail. Go …” This is followed by a web address, who sent the voice message, and you have to click if you want to hear what it is about.

In such cases, there is always a lot of interest – but responsible fraudsters also rely on it. Because anyone who taps the link will end up on a fake page. You need to download an app there. However, it does contain malware, warns the consumer portal “”.

Even if it is claimed on the website, there is no voicemail – the recommended application should not be downloaded under any circumstances.

This is how you recognize disappointment

But how to recognize fraud? After all, someone may have tried to send a voice message. An indication that the message is a scam is usually provided by a link address.

Another note: you do not need to install a suspicious app of unknown origin by unknown mobile phone companies – in case of doubt, a link is provided to the official app store.

What if you have already clicked?

Anyone who has already tapped the link and installed the desired app should act immediately. Since it is difficult to predict what kind of spyware or malware is found on the cell phone through the application, it is recommended to completely reset the cell phone, “Mimicoma”.

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If malicious keylogger software is already registered, it is a good idea to change the most important passwords for email and social media accounts, online shopping sites and after reset.