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Apple Vs Epic: Epic allegations have been confirmed in Australia

While the lawsuit between Apple and Epic Games is still in full swing in the United States, a federal court in Australia has now allowed Epic Games to sue Apple Down Under. With this move, the previous decision was overturned, which stated that both companies must first fight their legal conflict in the United States before prosecuting in Australia.

Last year Apple was sued in countries other than the United States, including Australia. The move is aimed at increasing your own chances of a favorable verdict in a dispute with Apple. In Australia, too, Epic accuses Apple of running an App Store monopoly and doing unfair business through in-app purchases. However, Apple argues that the issue is already being negotiated in the United States and that the epic case in Australia could be suspended for three months.

The decision was appealed by Epic Games in April, which has now been upheld by three judges in Australia’s federal court. Given the argument, the former Chief Justice did not take into account that this action was a matter of public interest. Epic took pleasure in this action (via Macroemers).

“This is a positive step for Australian consumers and developers who have fair access to all mobile app stores and the right to competitive prices. We look forward to continuing our fight for greater competition in utility distribution and tariff processing in Australia and around the world. “

Apple now plans to appeal the decision. The team from Cupertino justifies this with the current agreement with Epic Games, which provides that both groups must resolve their conflicts in a California court.

“The original April judgment of the Australian Federal Court ruled that Epic must abide by the agreement reached to resolve conflicts in California. We do not accept today’s decision with all due respect and plan to appeal. “

The legal battle between Apple and Epic Games in California court has been going on for months now. After three weeks of negotiations, Apple CEO Tim Cook had to testify, and the court dispute ended at the end of May this year. The final verdict is currently awaited with great anticipation and an appeal is expected from the losing side.

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