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Distractors!  Microsoft reveals details of the Hollow Infinite campaign

Distractors! Microsoft reveals details of the Hollow Infinite campaign

This (hopefully) is not intended: as part of the long-awaited multiplayer technology preview release Hollow is infinite Some campaign files are included in the Technology Preview – these include spoilers.

Accordingly, the recommendation to stay away from technical preview applies now if you want to avoid spoilers. Note: We will keep this post without spoilers. On Reddit and related game portals, information about new details that Microsoft has not yet revealed has accumulated. These spoilers can be hard to avoid.

But then again what happened. Microsoft’s much-anticipated new “Hollow Infinite” multiplayer is set to be released this fall, and the technical preview for the multiplayer components was made available to Hollow Insiders a few days ago.

Microsoft confirms the team’s mistake

After a few “leaks” on the Internet, Joseph Staton, project manager for Hollow Infinite Campaign, confirmed that Microsoft had inadvertently added some campaign files to the technical preview of the multiplayer version. He tweeted: “Hey guys, beware: we accidentally added a limited number of Hollowinfinit campaign files to the Technology Preview. Unfortunately, those files contain spoilers. No. ”

Noise On the edge The dump already shows the extracted campaign files. This information is already spreading on the internet. Verge found a simple text pad containing 800 lines from the campaign. It also describes some quests, plot points and an important twist, which will probably “happen at the end of the game” according to The Virgin. Of course, we do not attach spoilers or report details so as not to spoil the fun for anyone. Anyone interested in the Hollow Infinite campaign should now be on their guard while browsing the internet.

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See also:

Microsoft, Xbox Series X, Hollow, 343 Businesses, Hollow Infinite
Microsoft, Xbox Series X, Hollow, 343 Businesses, Hollow Infinite