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Discovery of the volcano and the planet Iron

Discovery of the volcano and the planet Iron

Description of the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) in front of the volcanic planet orbiting its host star.  TESS will explore and identify thousands of new planets to observe.

During its last update, it was carried out on Wednesday 1stThere is As of December, the website, with its well-known Encyclopedia of Extrasolar Planets, had 4,878 entries. We need to add a 4 879e With the discovery, announced Science Jupiter, December 2, an international group, from an eclipsed planet beyond the Sun. Volcano and the Planet of Iron.

The star in question is one of TESS’s discoveries, a space telescope launched by NASA in 2018 to track nearby small stars, possibly passing through their front-type exoplanets and temporarily – and very rarely – dimming their brightness. Flow. Detection method called “Transit Technique”. The new one is called GJ-367b because it orbits the star GJ-367, 30.7 light-years away from us – that is, in the suburbs of the Solar System, if we consider that our galaxy is somewhat elongated. 100,000 light years. Half smaller and lighter than the Sun, GJ-367 belongs to the genus of red dwarfs, which are lighter, cooler, and less glowing stars, but more abundant in the galaxy.

As one of the co-authors of the study, Xavier Delphus of the Grenoble Institute of Planetology and Astrophysics (CNRS-Université Grenoble-Alpes) explains, When an asteroid is detected, “The purpose is to obtain both its mass and its radius, to determine its density, and to obtain information about its composition”. Density is, in fact, a primary factor in what we know about the formation of planets: if we believe in the stars of the solar system, “An Earth-like rocky planet has a density of 5.5 grams per cubic centimeter, Xavier Delphos continues. For Neptune-type planets with gaseous ice, the density is 1.5 g / cm.3 And 2 g / cm3 Gaseous giants such as Jupiter or Saturn with large atmospheres of hydrogen and helium have a density of 1 g / cm3.3. ⁇

The surface temperature is about 1,500 C

Transportation Radius of the GJ-367b: 70% of the Earth’s radius. In terms of mass, thanks to another method of detecting exoplanets called “radial speeds”, the planet’s mass is analyzed for small oscillations subject to the position of its star. The researchers were able to calculate the density of GJ-367b and were not disappointed with the result: 8.1 g / cm3, I.e. a figure larger in number than the planets of the solar system and closer to the density of iron.

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