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Didier Rault in support of vaccinating caregivers and those at risk

Didier Rault in support of vaccinating caregivers and those at risk

Known for defending controversial treatment Du Covit-19,
Professor Didier Rowlt Spoke in support on Thursday
Vaccine Caregivers and those at risk. On the other hand, he shows that there is more skepticism in generalizing to the whole population.

“Yes, I am for the vaccine, but especially for people who are overly vulnerable or at risk of developing severe forms,” he said during a luncheon organized by the Franco-Chinese Investor Club China Business Club in Paris.

“Personal benefit is paramount, you are exposed”

When asked specifically about the type of caregivers who slip the vaccine, the microbiology professor responded in the affirmative: “Exposed nursing staff should think seriously about the vaccine”.

Generally, “I don’t think the vaccine symptom is questionable when you are at risk. Personal benefit is very important, it is very important that you are exposed, ”he said in a question and answer session. Therefore, he considered, “if they are exposed, severe form, the elderly, unhealthy obese, they can be vaccinated.”

He described the “vaccines” as “effective components in the fight against Govt-19 infection”. For the rest of the population, the pathologist was highly skeptical, especially of children. “Will the general vaccine help fight the infection?” These are not clear elements in literature or in real life, ”he said. He recalled that he had “said this for a year and a half” and advised any sick person to “seek treatment.”

“It may look like a fever after a while”

Professor Rowlt has been arguing since the epidemic began Use of antimalarial hydroxy chloroquine Antibacterial is associated with azithromycin, a treatment carried out by IHU studies that is controversial in their mechanism (the sample is very small and does not have a placebo group). In addition, several major clinical studies have concluded in recent months that it is not
Efficacy of hydroxy chloroquine Against Govt-19.

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“Part of the initial catastrophe (in March / April 2020) we did not treat people, we told them: ‘Wait until you suffocate’, but this virus can cause respiratory problems without you realizing it,” the professor argued. Didier Rowland estimated, “There will be a time when we get out of it. From my historical point of view, it may seem like a fever after a while. “