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Detailed information about the Light Festival at Pokémon GO with Dedenne Nintendo Connect

Detailed information about the Light Festival at Pokémon GO with Dedenne Nintendo Connect

Today begins Día de Muertos (Day of the Dead) Pokemon GO. Niantic hat im Pokemon GO-Blog However, detailed information about the festival of lights has now been announced. Dedenne Venues at the Light Festival Pokemon GO A wonderful introduction, but with light comes shadow …

Pokemon GO
Pokemon GO

Pokemon GO
Pokemon GO

The Light Festival will be held on Friday, November 5, 2021 from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm local time on Sunday, November 14, 2021. Pokemon GO instead. In addition to the special event bonus and the new area of ​​Hoopa special research, Detenne Celebrate its introduction.

The long-awaited antenna type Pokémon Detenne Appear for the first time Pokemon GO. This electric and fairy Pokemon from the Kalos region illuminates your Bogotex because it is an electric pokemon that often appears in the wild. You know that the Festival of Lights is an opportunity to strengthen and rediscover relationships with fellow human beings.

Light Festival

Friday, November 5, 2021 from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., Sunday, November 14, 2021 (local time).


Isn’t every celebration enriched with joy, friends and gifts from the heart? With the joy of the festival of light, do not forget your friendship Pokemon GO Celebrate the joy of giving!

  • The level of friendship doubles.
  • You will get more items from the prizes.
  • You can open up to 45 prizes a day.

Special research continues in the season of practical jokes!

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The storyline surrounding Mystery Huba, which began with the season of comedy, finally continues! Once you complete the special research for that time of year, you will be able to attend a special event related to Huba at the end of the season. Can you make friends with Huba and help him explore Professor Willow’s past? It is worth learning more about the mischievous Huba!


What would a light festival be like without a breathtaking light show? That’s why we ignite Pokemon GO A fireworks display during the first days of the event in honor of all the coaches who are celebrating Deepavali around the world at this time.

Introduction to Pokemon

Tedenne appears for the first time Pokemon GO! It comes from the Kalos area and makes its debut at the Light Festival. This Electric and Fairy Pokémon is undoubtedly a beautiful addition to your Pokédex!

Wild Pokemon

Some wild Pokemon will help you show each other the way! The following Pokமொmon often appear in the wild:

பிகாச்சு*, Magnet*, Snail Mac, Flourmel*, Friselbliz*, Elizabeth*, Like a vampire, Japlardin, Appendix, Detenne

If you are lucky, you will also encounter the following Pokemon:

Plumbian*, Lichtel

* If you are lucky, you can even find a glitter pattern!

Pokemon in field research work

You will meet the following Pokmon as a reward for completing field research tasks.

Wolfix*, Magnet*, Electech*, McMurray*, Friselbliz*, Elizabeth*, Plumbian*, Lufio

If you are lucky, you will also encounter the following Pokemon:

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* If you are lucky, you can even find a glitter pattern!

Raid wars

More strength is needed to overcome the darkness. Gopaliyam, Terrace And A little green Appear with exclusive attack Sandiklinge In raid battles.

The following Pokemon appear in raid battles:

  • Tier 1 Raid Wars – Klumanda*, Wolfix*, Lights*, Lichtel, Detenne
  • Tier 3 Raid Wars – Alola-Raich*, Electech*, McMurray*, Blubella
  • Level 5 Raid Wars – Gopaliyam*, Terrace*, A little green*
  • Mega Raids – Mega-Voltenso*

* If you are lucky, you can even find a glitter pattern! Captured during this period Gopaliyam, Terrace And A little green Dominate the attack Sandiklinge.

Information about eggs, avatar products and stickers can be found on the Pokémon GO blog linked at the beginning. The Light Festival and Professor Willow’s research team on Hoopa may have caught the attention of the GO rocket! Niantic has heard rumors that the Team GO rocket will strike again on Tuesday, November 9, 2021. Be vigilant, coach …

Charge DMI can be used to make the crypto-pokemon forget the charge attack frustration. Team GO Rocket members appear considerably more frequently on PokéStops and balloons. It has to come “even harder” – we’re excited!