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Dead Space Remake se dvoile: ஆரம்ப விளையாட்டு, குரல், பாடல்கள் ... |  Xbox One

Dead Space Remake se dvoile: ஆரம்ப விளையாட்டு, குரல், பாடல்கள் … | Xbox One

The purpose of tonight’s first look at the Dead Space gave us a meeting. Xbox Series X | The remake of the first installment, which was planned exclusively for S, PS5 and PC, was released last month with a very exciting teaser. Tonight, the studio released some clips of the game.

Initial phase scenes

Before showing her baby, the studio was clear. This is not to provide the long haul of the final game, but some elements of a structure at an early stage of its development. First, Motiv recalls that he chose the Frostbite engine for this remake. We had the first clip in real time showing a hero emerging in a hallway, at least it was so cute. The lighting and smoke effects were particularly successful, and we were also able to find exclusive decor for Isaac.

A comparison between the remake and the original game was also released, in which we can see the work that the teams are doing.

More precise shredding than ever before

The scope then focused on fragmentation. In particular, we conducted a demo showing how different members would react to our projectiles. The first look of the new enemy models was also shown, which is much more detailed than the original game.

Zero G parts were also discussed during the stream, and the studio clarified that there will be no micro transactions in this remake. In general, Motive recalls that he did not want to lose the DNA of the first Opus and its basics, although he does want to integrate much of the Dead Space found in books or animations into this remake.

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Find your voice

Initially, the hero had no conversation in the first game, but he will speak well in this “new” installment. Gunnar Wright, the actor who plays Isaac in the following missions will be there. Nonetheless, the studio recalled wanting to retain the tension provided by the silence; Thus, Isaac would intervene only when needed.

Isaac would speak only in situations where it was strange to speak or remain silent

You can see the replay of the stream below. As a reminder, the game does not have a release date yet but should be available by the end of 2022.