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Create your ... Carnival Mask!

Create your … Carnival Mask!

Mask, Carnival, Tie, Tutorial, Kids, Crafts>

It does not protect against germs and is less against the cobwebs … but at least it will allow you to have a good time disguised for the festival this Tuesday! Follow our instructions and create the giraffe or zebra mask you want.


White and yellow paint

Black, white and brown pieces of giraffe (or our method of downloading and cutting) or zebra black (or our method of downloading and cutting) felt

Yellow, white and red foam sheets (or our method of downloading and cutting) or pink and white (or our method of downloading and cutting)

A cardboard tray

A rubber band to tie the mask around your head

A brush


Strong glue

A stapler

A pair of scissors

Giraffe method

Step 1

Cut two holes in your cardboard tray to create eyes. You can use the cap of the water bottle to draw circles.

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Step 2

Paint the cardboard plate yellow.

Step 3

While waiting for your paint to dry, you can download and print all of your felt and foam pieces by following the sample we made especially for you. Felt sticking to the plate. Giraffe ears and horns are made of moss because it is so hard.

Step 4

Glue small brown circles on your plate to create giraffe spots. Then glue the nose and mouth, in which you can draw the nose and mouth with a felt-tip pen.

Step 5

Join the two parts together to form each ear tightly. Then do the horns.

Step 6

Clip the horns to the plate, then the ears.

Step 7

Draw the outside of the eyes with a black or colored marker.

Step 8

All you have to do is place your mask on your face by clipping a rubber band on each side of the plate.

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Zebra method

Step 1

Cut two holes in your cardboard tray to create eyes. You can use the cap of the water bottle to draw circles.

Step 2

Paint the cardboard plate white.

Step 3

While waiting for your paint to dry, you can download and print all of your felt and foam pieces by following the sample we made especially for you. Felt sticking to the plate. It is very difficult to make giraffe ears and horns because of the moss.

Step 4

Stick small black triangles on your plate that will form zebra stripes. Then glue the eyebrows, nose and mouth, in which you can feel or feel the nose and mouth.

Step 5

Join the two parts that make up each ear in the tights. Then do the same with the mane.

Step 6

Clip the mane on the plate, then the ears.

Step 7

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Draw the outside of the eyes with a black or colored marker.

Step 8

All you have to do is place your mask on your face by clipping a rubber band on each side of the plate.

On 02-13-2021 at 3:38 pm

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