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"Create a Foley Blanch Community"

“Create a Foley Blanch Community”

By 2021, Fowley Blanche will no longer provide its usual mass departure images from the Nordic-centric Atrons, requiring a healthier environment. Above all, with an embracing formula, the best-known cross country ski race will take place. In this case you have previously downloaded the Foley Blanch app on your smartphone, in the form of a path to be done independently throughout January. Presentations by Patrick Marquette, President of the Organizing Society.

Actumontagne: Where did Foley Blanche’s idea for this new formula come from?

Patrick Marquette : We were impressed by some of the trail races this summer, especially the ones made in Switzerland near Jinal. Because we have no visibility with the current health situation, we do not want to believe in the classic formula, with risky races being made without the compatibility to create the brand image of Fowley Blanche. In short, while maintaining this view of partitioning, it is necessary for both to avoid re-groups. Using the app creates a Foley Blanch community.

© Sylvie Sabbas

In short, how does the race manifest itself?

Cross-country skiers on the Cove Plateau can compete on three well-named and marked tracks, which include a full range of coaches: 5km, intended for families, children and beginners. Slightly stiffer 10km, but still affordable; A sporty course of 15 to 18 km. If we have enough snow, we will do a 5km study downstairs and connect from the Nordic Center to Cove, which will be included in the sports curriculum, for a total of about 25km.

What about time and rewards?

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With the opportunity to repeat the courses as many times as you want between January 2nd and 31st, you will need to download the Foley Blanch app (free). Once you open the app, the time will start automatically when you cross the specified zero GPS point, and after the last GPS point is passed, the automatic stop system will stop (in other words, the stopwatch continues even if you stop). Each day a ranking will be established for different courses, as well as by the end of January, with scratch rankings, categories and challenges (companies, families, etc.) … the idea of ​​concentrating on the best is to determine the number of kilometers, although the exact format must be determined).

Now champions like Robin Duvillard (here in 2014), the sports director of Team Workers Iser, will establish interesting reference times in the courses offered in 2021 in the new formula of Foley Blanche © Sylvie Sabbas.

Are children affected by this new formula of white foul?

Yes, we wanted to have animation for school kids. For first-timers, cross-country skiing classes with the Nordic centers of Atrons and Matre will come one day (January to the end of March) and cover a kilometer. They will run for 33 minutes, with the goal of making the most laptops (we include the results of all students in the same class). Middle and high school students come one day in January (but not on the same day for all classes, to avoid re-classing). Students will make the 5km route with the application, and we will add the number of kilometers traveled in each class.

Even if they are not all together on a day like 2020, the children will not be forgotten by Fowley Blanche in 2021 © David Bouddin – Au Fil des des Lumières

Financially, are you going to get it?

Yes, because corporate partners (region and sector) help us just like in other years. The community of communists of Massif to Verkors follows us, as well as the Adrance Resort. Of course, we will not have cash flow, but really no loss. Through this Foley Blanch application, we continue to invest in the future. It may also work in other fields (trail, mountain biking, ski-wheels, etc.) during the summer, always with the intention of growing this community around the event. In terms of communications, this will make it possible to talk about White Stride not only in January, but throughout the year.

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