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Un profil corrompu empêche de télécharger les bêtas d

Corrupted profile prevents iOS beta downloads

Developers cannot download iOS and watchOS beta due to corrupted profile. This is not a problem with general betas and Magos betas.

Corrupted profile prevents iOS beta downloads

Bad profile for downloading iOS betas

“Bad profile. This profile is corrupted and unreadable, refers to iOS. In other words, the iPhone cannot verify this profile, which changes to a beta channel. So it was discarded and the device is on the official update channel.

The origin of this error is not yet known. Apple has not commented on the matter. But we can imagine that Apple will fix the situation quickly with a change in profile (or on its servers). For users who have already installed the profile, no problem, beta download can still be done. The latest is beta 6 of iOS 14.5

what to do ? Unfortunately nothing. Apple has control here. We will have to wait to get a solution from him. If you now want to install an iOS beta and want to avoid a distorted profile story, go ahead In the center of Dev, Log in to your developer account and download the manual installation firmware in IPSW format from Finder (or iTunes if you have a Windows PC).

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