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Company Student Group: What it is, components, appointment, assignments.  Download the regulation example

Company Student Group: What it is, components, appointment, assignments. Download the regulation example


School Student Group, Presented by Art. 13 paragraphs of Assembly Order 297/94 are the expression of the student representatives in the class councils. In addition to the functions explicitly outlined in this Act (meeting of the Student Council of the Company, the function of guaranteeing the democratic exercise of the rights of participants in the Assembly), it may express opinions and projects directly to the School Board or to the teaching staff or to the Head Teacher in the respective competencies.

The Student Council consists primarily of counseling and proposing issues affecting the student community. It can deliberately think of things that definitely concern the student community.

Also, the group performs functions and is said to have its own uniqueness through art. Presidential Decree 4 10.10.1996 n. 567 and subsequent amendments and additions (regulation to regulate complementary efforts and ancillary activities in educational institutions).

All matters relating to students, school and school activities may be submitted to the Student Committee for discussion and voting in order to establish the majority opinion of the students.

Student Council members

The student body consists of class representatives from all classes of the school, student representatives on the school council, representatives of the provincial council (if anyone is elected at the school) and the student assembly president.

All members are given the right to speak (by showing hands) in accordance with the opinions and rules of others.

It is not allowed to grant the right to participate in the meeting and, above all, is not allowed to represent the right to vote.

Other students, faculty, and ADA staff may join the group at their request or invitation, if they have the approval of the DS and the group leader.

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The student body has a duty to fully represent the divergent views of the students and to ensure that all students participate in the activities undertaken and that class representatives represent to their class what is being discussed in the group, perhaps involving their classmates in a discussion. (Preferably during a class assembly).

Nomination of members

The appointment of committee members is valid for one year and takes place during the scheduled student election for the various components.

If any member resigns, the next member on the list with the most votes is responsible.

Resigning is no longer part of the group.

Student Committee Leader and Speeches

The head of the student body is elected by secret ballot at the first conference of the school year (not by voters) with a majority of eligible votes. Only class representatives have the right to vote. At this meeting, the most senior representative acts as president, who announces the person he has elected and offers him the presidency.

Any class representative can stand for the presidency; Candidates are given the right to present their plan before voting.

At the request of at least a quarter of the members, the appointment of the chairman may be canceled by the legislature itself; In this case a secret ballot will be called and the appointment will be canceled if half of the class representatives of the company plus one are in favor of this provision.

If the President resigns or the appointment is canceled, a new President will be elected in the manner described above.

Duties of the President

The President reserves the right to add, withdraw or move the dates of student body meetings, presides over the Assembly with the activities of the evaluator, announces the code votes and results, guarantees the draft minutes and attendance record.

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He also has a duty to keep records of the group and all information related to the group and to make it public when requested by someone from the school community.
The student body can form commissions and committees for the performance of specific tasks, especially if it is a Presidential Order No. 567.

The President verifies the results of the above bodies and is the right President, however this position can be handed over.

These working groups can be suspended or dissolved by a majority vote of the people there.

On the day the group meeting is scheduled, it is the duty of the chairperson to remind the students of the meeting time using the sound system at the beginning of the scheduled time of the meeting.

In the absence of the President, his place will be taken by the representative of the School Council who received the most votes.

It is the duty of the representatives of the School Council and the Speaker of the School Legislature to assist the President in the process if necessary.


Group meetings can take place at any time of the class (I to VI hours).

The request for a student body conference must be submitted to the school administration at least three days in advance, must be in writing, have an agenda, and can be presented by the student body leader or anyone. Takes place.

The Chairman may cancel a conference by presenting a written impulse and publishing it if requested.

Planning of activities

The student body plans its activities over time, with its own capabilities, as much as possible, as a group on pre-determined dates to achieve orderly development of activities, in principle, the discussion of topics related to it. Is it possible to anticipate the need to accept decisions, plans and opinions?
This group works in coordination with other student organizations and the school council, but with very different relevance, with respect to the subjects on which it is based.

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Student Council Funding

The Student Council has the right to set up, manage and profit from its own autonomous funds. These funds belong to the students. Any request for funding should come exclusively from the student components of the school, with student-related objectives. This fund provides for self-funding through activities promoted by students by raising money within the school.
The chairman of the committee has the duty to fully handle the preparation of the budget of the fund. The president keeps a record of expenses and income during the school year, and is responsible for providing full income and tax receipts for payments made to the school’s economic secretariat without end of the school year. The group’s budget may be made public at any time at the request of any member of the group’s community.


Many high schools have set special rules for managing the “student body”. These include LysoScientifico Statel “Leonardo” Art High School – High School Science High School Directed by Professor Professor of Applied Sciences, Presia. Massimo Cosentino, who developed an excellent regulation that represents an exceptional functional tool.
