Update: The video is now live! The whole thing will take more than an hour, so make sure you are comfortable or come back and visit us when you have time. For more information on what to expect, check out our original article below.
Original article (Thu February 4, 2021 16:30 GMT): Nintendo has announced that it will continue to celebrate its 30th anniversary Fire symbol By hosting a special video featuring multiple voice actors from previous games in the series.
The video will be released on February 8 and will feature a series of “honest and in-depth discussions” with seven players from Licensing History. The stars in question are Cerami Lay (Ceda, May, Rhea), Chris Hockney (Boy, Quan, Dmitry), Billy Comets (Ferdinand von Aguirre), Christian La Monte (Celeb, Rodriguez, Ignat), Patrick Seats (Phoenix) (Santa) Er, Marion) and Ray Chase (Roy, Alphonse, Chaos).
To mark the 30th anniversary of #FireEmblem, we are releasing a celebratory video of honest and in-depth discussions with 7 voice actors who have brought to life some of the fans’ favorite fire icon characters! Watch the full video at 2/8 @ 7am PT / 10am ET. pic.twitter.com/Y7myatO6Ft – US Nintendo (intNintendoAmerica) February 4, 2021
Of course, the celebrations began when Nintendo dropped the re-release late last year Fire Symbol: Shadow Dragon & Sword of Light, First game of the series, in Switch. The game saw a super good physical release, the “30th Anniversary Edition of the Fire Emblem” – which was only available for a limited time.
Will you watch this special video? Have you been a fire icon fan for 30 years? Tell me below.
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